[color=f7941d]"Eh? You know where the Moon Fucker is?"[/color] Corpse Collector asked, a sneering grin curling up on her face. [color=f7941d]"Yeah, yeah, just show me the way already before anyone else can...oh you've got to be fucking kidding me..."[/color] Before she could so much as take a step, someone completely new suddenly showed up asking for directions. Corpse Collector stared at this Devilish Hellflame with a perplexed look and was about to answer with a stinging retort...only for a second individual to arrive. Now there was someone named Stab~Stabberson...really? Thankfully, the Dissolutions that had been chasing her at that moment arrived, something sharp thudding into their backs before they turned their sights on the two newbies. Not one to question it, Corpse Collector grabbed Kitten's hand and led her away, forgetting that the other Player was supposed to be doing that. [color=f7941d]"Suck it you fucking losers,"[/color] she called out haughtily. She was not going to be distracted any further from her end goal. More people showed up, which made Kitten sigh. This wasn't going to be any easier if more players got involved, even if they were on their side. Corpse Collector swiftly took Kitten's hand and ran off, even though Corpse Collector was taking CC in a completely opposite direction from where they needed to go. As they got a bit further away from the others, Kitten noticed a somewhat large sewer grate. She could slide in easily, though CC might be a tight fit. Still, it was one way to lose the others. [color=orange]Follow me!"[/color] Kitten ran ahead of CC and slide right into the sewer grate. She landed on solid cement and, aside from the smell, it wasn't that bad down here. Kinda small though. Regardless Kitten figured she could navigate through here and find Moon Rider. Once CC was following Kitten led her deeper into the sewers and into the Black City's underground. [color=f7941d]"Yeah, yeah, I'm fucking coming already,"[/color] Corpse Collector said before chuckling to herself. She let Kitten lead the way while she glanced back at the crowding Dissolutions along with Hellflame. Frowning, she turned to the sewer grate before a stroke of flame caught her skidding. Glaring, she looked to see it came from Hellflame. Hellflame gave his best 'evil-but-friendly' grin, although they were soon interrupted by the restless Dissolutions. Hellflame saw the arrows landing on some of the Dissolutions, which somehow caused them to target him and the other one that had just appeared nearby. Hellflame looked at the direction from which the arrows were fired, seeing a small silhouette quickly moving away from a ledge. Hellflame was slightly annoyed by that, and was even more annoyed when the two girls he had bothered to help suddenly ran away. [color=92278f]"Oi! Get back here!"[/color] Hellflame yelled as he flew off to catch up to them, leaving Stab to take care of the four Dissolutions while the other three sped off past Stab to go after Corpse Collector and Smitten Kitten. Quickly spotting the two runaways, Hellflame sped up and fired his last two fireballs, directing them to strike the entrance of the sewer entrance they were trying to escape in, attempting to at least slow down Corpse Collector. Quickly gliding over to move in front of her, Hellflame casted his Ability again, recreating his six fireballs. [color=92278f]"Running away from people trying to help you is just insulting,"[/color] Hellflame said at Corpse Collector, pointing his staff at her. Now that he got a good look at Corpse Collector's name, though, he couldn't help but feel like he should recognize it from somewhere. It was something important, but what....? [color=f7941d]"Insulting? Your fucking face is insulting dipshit! Now screw off because I don't have time for you,"[/color] Corpse Collector hissed, firing off random shots, not caring if they actually hit or not before diving into the sewer grate. At that moment the sound of gnashing teeth was heard as the Dissolutions made their appearance. But that was no longer Corpse Collector's problem. [color=f7941d]"Kitten, you better owe me fucking hard for dealing with this shitty hideout."[/color] Never mind that Stab was quickly abandoned as soon as she arrived. She could hear the lovely conversation between Hellflame and Corpse Collector going on as the Dissolutions surrounded her for a reason she didn’t understand, but it no longer mattered. CC’s choice of words was all she needed to hear to feel inspiration to find her again and get to know her better, but firstly take care of the Dissolutions at hand. For the most part Stab just ignored Hellflame, the whiny Male that just abandoned a 13 year old girl to fight monsters alone, and Smitten Kitten, who seemed to be busy doing whatever with CC. Stab didn’t actually think that she would be able to win this fight, but she couldn’t remain level one forever. It was now or never to start her way earning experience and hopefully leave the academy with a decent job opportunities available. Stab straightened her tie and readied her sword before charging into the closest Dissolution chasing after CC and hitting it full force, adding another target against Stabberson. Meanwhile, a white ghost continued to prowl the rooftops of the Black City, jumping between the elevations with a certain ease that almost made it look like child's play were not for the fact that Jumping was determined by one's Strength and these one required quite a lot of it. When Stark Zealot got to the next optimal firing position he noticed that Hellflame had already closed on CC and, drawing his bow in utmost silence, the Ivory Mask operative shot at the entrance of the tunnel Corpse Collector had escaped to along with Smitten Kitten, shooting down the emergency floodgates control and sealing the tunnel with the heavy steel doors. From Hellflame's perspective, the shot would look like a close miss, since the path travelled by the arrow was a hair's breadth away from his head. After this shot Zealot retreated once again, jumping to the next building and down an unused elevator's shaft, maneuvering deftly to the next sniping spot. [color=92278f]"Tch,"[/color] Hellflame said as he took a step back to avoid getting hit by the spray'n'pray from CC. Once she made her escape, Hellflame tried to go after her, but the entrance to the sewers quickly closed itself. On top of that, the Dissolutions nearby turned their attention to him. One was nearly upon him, so Hellflame flamethrowered it with his six fireballs as he leapt back, quickly reducing what was left of the creature's HP to zero. As for the other two, Hellflame leapt into the air just as the monsters charged forward. Now annoyed to have his time wasted, Hellflame fired off everything he had at the last two Dissolutions attacking him. With a and another recasting of , another Dissolution soon went down. As for the last one, he left it alone as he shot off towards the Black Castle. Hellflame figured that if the Black King was anywhere, she had to be at the most imposing structure in the City. He even sped past Stab~Stabberton, not bothering to help her deal with the rest of the mobs. Stabs watched through the corner of her eye as Hellflame took out two Dissolutions before speeding past her, almost taunting her. [color=AF799F]"Hmpf… Men"[/color] Stabs garbled under her breath before continuing her assault on the Dissolution. Her attacks barely did any damage thanks to her own ability, but that also meant that any hit she took would also be extra painful. She quickly whittled down the Dissolution’s HP, blocking its slow swings with attacks of her own, until its HP fell to 0 and disappeared. The remaining Dissolutions each were mid swing at the level one rookie, taking a good chunk of her health before she knew what hit her. She knew she couldn’t stay around anymore or risk dying; so she figured a tactical retreat was in order. She wasn’t sure where Hellflame was headed off to, but it was the best shot she had at finding someone else. It worked so far. She ran past the Dissolutions in the same direction the flaming angel flew off to; though, he was too far gone to track. She was lost and hurt, but with nothing better to do in the moment she mumbled a few words, with pretty good tone, of how she suddenly felt after the events that just transpired. [url=https://youtu.be/NGrLb6W5YOM?t=50s][color=AF799F][u]".... All by myself..... don't wanna be."[/u][/color][/url] [color=orange]"Of course. I'll be sure to give you exactly what you're owed."[/color] Kitten said nonchalantly. Things got pretty hectics that moment, but regardless she and Corpse Collector managed to escape unharmed. Kitten had a good idea where she needed to go from here, so she lead CC towards the guild hall. It was dark, but Kitten's cat-like eyes allowed her to see in the dark. At the very least, it was black-and-white. There were so many turns and tight spaces Corpse Collector would have a hard time moving through the same places Kitten went. [color=orange]"Corpse Collector, what exactly is your plan to fight Moon Rider? I don't think just shooting her is going to be enough."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Eh? Well then I'll just shoot her some more. You underestimate my hacking prowess dumbass,"[/color] Corpse Collector said with superiority. It was hard to tell if she was just boasting or if she really did have some kind of plan. Either way, she began to load up her guns and reload them each, eyes raising at the sound of a low rumbling coming from outside. [color=f7941d]"You hear that?"[/color] she asked, unaware that a certain Blue King was rumbling her way with an entire battalion straight towards the Black Guild. It would seem the cavalry had finally arrived, Mercury Titania and Absinthe Blue riding in the front lines. [color=orange][i]"Just gun her down and cheat huh? I guess I shouldn't be surprised."[/i][/color] Sighing, Kitten led Corpse Collector near the Guild Hall. Once she was certain the coast was clear she led Corpse Collector towards where she last saw Moon Rider. That's when Corpse Collection mentioned hearing something, but aside from the battle in the city Smitten Kitten didn't notice anything off. [color=orange]"Hear what?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Aw whatever. Look, let's just get this done before....before....fucking shit,"[/color] she muttered, seeing a group of Players lying in wait for her in the Black Throne Room. And at the center of it all was Moon Rider herself. Hacker and Hacker Killer met eyes, both of them glaring off. Kitten held her breath. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised that Moon Rider's minions came to help her. Though she suspected Moon Rider to the type of person who didn't even bother to meet her own allies face-to-face. She was fighting a whole bunch of outlaws alone when Smitten Kitten first saw her. But that's when Kitten saw Dark Wraith. That's when she knew why there were so many players here. Kitten knew, or at least had a feeling, that Dark Wraith had some command over the Sweepers. Kitten has seen her talking to a lot of high level players, more so than Moon Rider, and pegged her as some sort of second-in-command. And while Moon Rider was the Black King, Dark Wraith was the one who gave Moon Rider all the Sweepers. Knowing that her time was short, Smitten Kitten spoke out. [color=orange]"I'm a bit surprised. I'd thought the Black King would try to fight alone. That or for this entire room to be filled with your flunkies."[/color] Kitten looked directly at Dark Wraith when she said this. [color=orange]"This ends now, Black King! The Ebony Strykers... No. It's time for you to pay up."[/color] Smitten kitten averted her eyes for a moment before looking back at the others. [color=orange]"And you... Dark Wraith. I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, but the Sweepers will be destroyed! You're not heroes, you're not even well-intentioned. You've corrupted the idea of justice and just use it as an excuse to lie, cheat, and hurt people. There was nothing good about you people in the first place."[/color] Smitten Kitten let her claws out, just thin razors that extended from her fingertips. Not the most intimidating weapon perhaps, but statistically it was as strong as her shortsword (Which still isn't that strong anyways). She got into a wide but low stance, her usual stance for making dashes. There was some cover she could dive for to her left, knowing that if she stayed in the open she'll just get shot up. She needed to sneak closer while Corpse Collector was busy fighting, and then she'll strike. Dark Wraith took out her scythe, twirling it around before slamming the pommel into the ground. [color=black]"Your accusations may have merit, but that is irrelevant. It doesn't matter why you want to destroy us. You've chosen to stand against us, and that makes you our enemies."[/color] From the tip of her staff Dark Wraith created a cloud of dark fog, her Miasma, sending it to Corpse Collector. Dark Wraith didn't concern herself about the kitten; she wouldn't really be of much threat to them at her level and with her ability. An annoyance at worse. Still, just to ensure Smitten Kitten didn't get in her way, she ordered a few of the players with them to deal with the level 1 player. In the meantime Dark Wraith focused on Corpse Collector. She would put up a fight for now, but her true intentions were subverting any safeguards Corpse Collector had up as well as getting directly to CC's data. Because Dark Wraith had no time to set up, her methods were crude and brutal; CC would have no problems warding off Dark Wraith, but only if she didn't bother to protect her Avatar body. Which would be a problem for Corpse Collector, since there were players now charging at CC to kill her as she tries to fend off Dark Wraith's two-pronged attack. But for the most part Corpse Collector was fine. Or at least, she was fending off on her own. Fueled by a massive desire to shoot dead everyone in this fucking room, she did all she could to duck and weave before counterattacking any idiots who wanted to come at her. Especially Dark Wraith, Corpse Collector putting up hacks within hacks to ensure she remained on top. [color=f7941d]"Fuck you! Fuck you all to fucking hell you pieces of shit motherfuckers! Die, die, die!"[/color] she hissed and snarled, guns blazing with digital coding. She didn't care if she died here because that was most likely the case. No, all that mattered was killing the Black King and- Corpse Collector's eyes widened as her body became rooted in place. Something seemed to be holding her back and that something caught Moon Rider's attention. The Black King had been calmly inching her way closer towards her prey, cutting down anyone stupid enough to take her...when what appeared to be a gloved hand seemed to have sprouted from Corpse Collector's abdomen, codes and numbers spilling out in a green mix. Along with that was the shadow of a figure but before the Black King could give context to it, the space was gone. Corpse Collector coughed up more digital spewing before glaring at everyone with hate. [color=f7941d]"Fuck...Fuck you...what, that wasn't fucking good enough for you?!?"[/color] Smitten Kitten was doing her best to avoid the others when she noticed something attack Corpse Collector. It wasn't Moon Rider or one of her lackeys as far as Kitten could tell. The only thing she saw was a hand going through Corpse Collector's chest, but then everything vanished. Corpse Collector was gravely wounded somehow and Kitten went to get her. She didn't know if this was the work of the Sweepers or not, but she needed to act now. [color=orange]"Corpse Collector!"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Fuck, fuck, fuck,"[/color] Corpse Collector muttered to herself, twitching about as she felt all of her buffs, all of her skills, and most importantly, all of her health glitch out and be tampered. No...No, it wasn't fair. This wasn't supposed to be happening, this wasn't supposed to be...at least she had one lackey left to defend while she could recover- At that moment, Smitten Kitten's name became red. Activating an Outlaw declaration, she dashed at Corpse Collector and slashed her. Blood, or what passes for it, dripped off Smitten Kitten's fingers. Kitten swung her hand out, swiping the blood off and onto the ground. [color=orange]"That... Is enough, Corpse Collector."[/color] For her part, the Corpse Collector merely stared with wide and now blank eyes as Kitten did the deed. Because of the interference, the Hacker's health was at a bare minimum. Just enough for Kitten's blow to end her. Mortified and enraged, she saw her body begin to experience the all too familiar process of her death animation. [color=f7941d]"No...No! Fuck you Kitten!! Fucking, fuckity...godammnit! You just had to do that, didn't you? We could have done something...we could have done so many things after the Black Shitface was dead! But no, you had to go and....FUCK YOU!"[/color] Rage, fear, and desperation mingled in Corpse Collector's voice as she finally dispersed into fragments of coding. Moon Rider watched this with an unreadable expression and narrowed eyes. That was just a little...too convenient. But it got the job done, the rest of Corpse Collector's Outlaw army being decimated, and even a certain girl in a coma finally able to wake up. The Hacker's nightmare was finally put to rest.