[center][color=00a651][h3][b]Elarinya[/b][/h3][/color] [b]Location: Mountains east of [u]Orange Star City[/u] [On map would be Satan City but this is before the name change][/b][/center] [hr] Things were certainly not the way they were supposed to be. Elarinya had been on patrol in one of the forests close to her home and had even given an nasty monster the good old uppercut to the chin when there was a loud crash. It confused Elarinya as a crashing sound was not what she was expecting to hear when smashed the monster into the sky. Suddenly there was no monster finding its way to heaven, there were no trees around, and she found herself jumping off a very steep cliff. [color=39b54a]"What in the world is going on!!!"[/color] Elarinya yelled in surprise as her wings reflexively burst out to catch the wind and stop herself from plummeting down the mountain. Her wings easily stopped her descent and she just kind of floated there, looking around in wide-eyed wonderment at her surroundings. Thankfully she had the presence of mind to very quickly camouflage her Ki since she hadn't the slightest clue where she was. She gazed around in a bit of a stupor at her surroundings. Mountains were all around her, the sky was slightly cloudy but had a brilliant blue to it as the mountain air was so clean and clear. It was quite pretty actually and reminded her a bit of her mountainous home but none of the formations were familiar to her. [color=39b54a]"Now where am I, I really need to get my bearings, as much as I want to explore I really should find my way back."[/color] Looking around she sensed the wind and could tell that the ocean lay east of her so she needed to head West, as her village was nowhere near the ocean. Taking flight she made sure to keep under cover as she went, just in case as one never knew where a monster could be hiding, making sure to take in all the interesting sights before her. It really was an interesting mountain range but nothing out of the ordinary really. Then as the mountains started to seemingly split apart before her she saw [i]it[/i]. [i]It[/i] was something she never even knew existed and it was huge. Full of dome shaped objects and moving objects of various sizes so hadn't a clue what it was, but it was quite lively. She hid behind the mountain face and peered out at the thing with eyes sparkling with wonder. Whatever could it be? She hadn't the faintest clue but her entire mind was now preoccupied with that question. Unable to resist she started to make her way down carefully in amazement, lured like a moth to a brightly burning flame, though thankfully there was little chance of her being burned. Inching her way downward she was determined to figure out what it was.