Jurgen liked the idea of Eve being as good as a top-level tournament fighter. That could be a good way to win some money, but only if he could get into a top-level tournament. But her last comment was probably the most important. She had no practice. The cyborg made a note to find her someplace to get some practice in before actually entering her in a fight. And while he was thinking, the android kept asking questions. He supposed that was a good thing, since it meant she was learning. It wasn't so good for his train of thought, though. "Food and stuff? Well, rent is five hundred or so, and then food is another couple hundred, depending on how well I want to eat. And then if you want to eat and smoke, that'll be a couple hundred more..." he sighed, she was going to have to be really good at that fighting stuff. While Eve did her thing with the papers, Jurgen pocketed a couple of the things he had collected, not wanting to sell them, but figuring he should take them just in case. If Eve could make something out of ten credits and six chips, he might not need to sell anything, but he supposed that would depend on how much people would bet that he couldn't win. For now, he would hope for the best, and prepare for not the best. In this scenario, the worst could not be prepared for at all. So the cyborg took a deep breath and looked over the forms that his robot had filled out. It all looked good to him. "I guess it's time to go see how well you can fight." he decided with a nod. "Are you ready?" he was apprehensive, hopeful and cynical at the same time. He was just waiting for the bottom to fall out of this strange scenario, wondering if he was going to wake up and have everything be normal. But nothing had happened yet, so he supposed they would just have to press on and see how far they could get before things got too weird...