[Hider=Several Months Previous, Elsewhere in Vendland] [Center][b]Several Months Previous, Elsewhere in Vendland[/b][/center] The rain continued to patter down in a lazy drizzle as the clouds broke up, allowing shafts of golden sunlight to illumine patches of the carnage below. Men, orcs, horses, beastkin, war dogs, all mangled corpses laying in a stew churned mud and pooling blood, strewn across what had the day before been scenic cornfields, now visions from some apocalypse. The crosses were being erected in a tidy row on a nearby hill, overlooking the battlefield. Overlooking the place where William of Barkstead and his ragged band of followers had made their bold last stand. An almost successful last stand too, truth be told. The rebels had fought like demons, and fought smart. But numbers and the winds of magic were not on their side. Veredict Daigon surveyed the scene before him, his back to the cross reserved for the man who was soon to be the [i]late[/i] Earl of Barkstead. He was frowning. This war had been tough going. The Fangs had lost good fighters, and Daigon did not enjoy the grunt-work of recruiting. On top of which, his pay was considerably short. He had spoken to some of the other merc captains, and they too had been stiffed by old Harry. There was grumbling in the ranks, and Daigon did not savor the prospect of brawl between free companies for whatever spoils the King and his cronies might be holding back. Speaking of the King....His Royal Magnificence was even now climbing the hill, walking in loping strides towards the crosses being hammered into position along its crest. He was bedecked in rather resplendent armor, though his cape and other drapery seemed a bit waterlogged. The powder was running on the face of his chief courtier, an officious little man whose name Veredict thought was something like Richmul. Richels? Rikel? Something as forgettable as the man himself, anyway. "Majesty!" Daigon called out as the King approached, greeting the monarch with a bright smile, "Congratulations on your great victory." "Not victory yet," said King Harold, jowls shaking as he scowled, "Not quite." "Well, you know," shrugged Daigon, "They'll tie the Earl up there shortly, then you can watch him choke for a bit for all the headache he caused. That should please you." "The Royal Person is not to be addressed in such a manner!" sneered Richmul/Richels/whatever, strutting peacock-like to within an inch of Daigon's face, "I have tolerated your rudeness and buffoonish manners this entire campaign, but the moment of our triumph will not be sullied by bar-room banter from some upjumped-" "Rikmand-" said the King, suddenly wary. Daigon was still smiling when he backhanded the courtier, sending him sprawling into the rain soaked grass. A gasp went up from the royal hangers-on congregating atop the hill. King Harold took a judicious half-step backwards. "Rikmand," said Daigon, "That's what it was." He leaned over the courtier, "Do you know what tongue tastes like, Rikmand? Human tongue, I mean. I do. Quite good cooked in garlic. Now listen, friend- I have five hundred half-breeds and mutants under my command. Here, with me today. I could have you and your fucking King for dinner. And I don't think any of the other captains who've yet to see half a penny or half a whore for three days hard bloodletting are inclined to stop me if I get peckish." The sellsword straightened up, turning to the monarch behind him. "Apologies, Majesty. Rude to turn your back on a King, I know." "Enough," said Harold with a sneer, "You and the others will see your gold when this is finished, as our agreement stated." "Looks finished enough to me," said Daigon, jerking a thumb at the bloody fields below. "The sons still live. Though I am told you are good at finding hideaways, Captain Daigon." Daigon rose an eyebrow. "You sure that's a path you want to go down?" "Squeamish about killing two young rebels, Captain?" Daigon's smile faded, "No, Majesty. But [i]you[/i] might be squeamish about what it takes to hunt them down." [/Hider] [@Naril] [@POOHEAD189] [@Gunther] [@NickTrano] [@AirBender] [@HeySeuss]