[center][h3][color=pink]Majin Eve[/color] [u][Forest near Central Capitol][/u][/h3][/center] As Majin Eve continued walking through the forest aimlessly she noticed the sky lighting up. Upon noticing this she looked through the tree to see a clear blue sky, this puzzled her, evident by the way she tilted her head slightly to the right as she raised a brow. Without much thought She jumped into the air through the tree's branches and hovered just about the tree tops, looking around at the sky above. [color=pink]"wow, that storm was fast, I didn't even see it leave..."[/color] Eve said in awe as she looked around the sky for any sight on the dark clouds, but finding nothing. [color=pink]"well... that was kind of weird..."[/color] She said with a shrug before she looked around the area, stopping when she spotted something in the distance, Central Capitol. [color=pink]"a city?... maybe someone there can help me figure out what's going on... and... how I got here..."[/color] Eve said as she felt another small headache bugging her, she rubbed her head gently before flying off towards the city. [center][h3][color=crimson]Amber[/color] [u][Between Parsely City and where Roshi fought the demon king Piccolo][/u][/h3][/center] As Amber was flying she could help but notice the storm over head just up and disappearing, she stopped her flight when it happened and looked around. [color=crimson]"the hell?..."[/color] After a few seconds of looking at different directions to try and see if there was any indication where the storm cloud could have gone she narrowed her eyes. [color=crimson]"wherever this is, I'm never coming here again after I get back home, this weather freaks me out..."[/color] She said with a slightly spiteful tone as she began flying towards the east, having forgot which way she was heading, thinking she was going the way she was before. As she flew, she got the strangest feeling running down her spine before she looked up at the sky and just stared. [color=crimson]"....."[/color] After a few seconds she hesitantly began to continue flying east. [center][h3][color=00a99d]Piccolo[/color] & [color=fff79a]Gohan[/color] [u][Gohan's Training Grounds][/u][/h3] [@Jin Of Mana][/center] As the storm clouds vanished as quick as they came Gohan could only look on in bewilderment. [color=fff79a]"whoa, where'd that storm go? it just vanished..."[/color] [color=00a99d]"That wasn't a regular storm Gohan..."[/color] Gohan looked to his teacher with eager eyes waiting to learn. [color=fff79a]"then what was it?..."[/color] [color=00a99d]"That storm was made when the dragon balls were used, your fathers friends wished him back to life..."[/color] Piccolo said with furrowed brows as he kept looking to the sky with his arms crossed. Upon hearing this Gohan smiled with joy an excitement. [color=fff79a]"m-my daddy's alive!"[/color] [color=00a99d]"this is no time for celebration, if they brought Goku back then it could only mean one thing..."[/color] After hearing this Gohan came to a dreadful realisation as a serious look came over him. [color=fff79a]"it means the saiyans are going to be here soon..."[/color] [color=00a99d]"that's right..."[/color] Piccolo confirmed as he closed his eye's while Gohan slowly looked up to the sky with Determination. Unknown to Gohan, Piccolo was concentrating on the large powers signatures that had just appears out of nowhere. The namekian opened his eyes and looked north east at one of the power signatures that were heading in their general direction. [color=00a99d]"something's coming, I don't think it's the saiyans but be on guard"[/color] [color=fff79a]"h-huh?! o-okay!"[/color] [center][h3][u][Edge of the Solar System][/u] The Saiyans[/h3] [@Stryder][/center] In the void of space five sphere shaped objects raced across the vacuum with one destination in mind. On each pod there was a single round window for the passenger to look out of, of the five pods that were there, only two had light coming from their windows. [color=fff200]"hey Vegeta... are we there yet? my leg's beginning to cramp up..."[/color] [color=blue]"Almost Nappa..."[/color] [color=fff200]"should we wake the others? or wait until we're there"[/color] [color=blue]"hmp, they've had enough beauty sleep"[/color] [color=fff200]"heh-heh-heh"[/color] Nappa reached up to his scouter and activated it's comm. to the other pods. [color=fff200]"hey nap time's over, we're almost there"[/color] [center][h3][color=white]Korin[/color] [u][Korin's Tower][/u][/h3] [@Holy Soldier][/center] While Fenrir-O watched the storm below, which would soon disappear, a soft patter of paws could be heard. "Yajirobe would it kill you to take a bath when you get back?! I swear it smells like a dog's up her-eaAH!?" Korin took a step back as he seen Fenrir-O in his quadruped form, he was rather socked to see a wild wolf just sitting near the edge of his tower. He then looked left and right furiously trying to find Yajirobe. "Yajirobe! what did I tell you about bringing wild animals to the tower!? especially dogs!? you know I hate dogs!" The small cat man exclaimed in anger as he pointed his staff at Fenrir-O.