[center][h2][color=f7976a]Tesh Yama[/color][/h2] [sub]Redorchard[/sub][/center] Tesh shook his head as Meowth ran straight into a poison-point. [color=f7976a]"Relax, Kaz!"[/color] Tesh called out. Kaz ceased his struggling and let the Nidoran's feet push against his chest. He groaned slowly, locking eyes with the Nidoran as its front paws sunk deeper into the dirt on either side of its head. He had no chance to overpower the Nidoran, but the more he struggled, the faster the poison would sap his energy away. For a moment, it looked as if the Meowth had given up, but as the Nidoran's weight bared down on Kaz's Limbs, he put all his remaining strength into slipping one of his back paws out from underneath his opponent's grasp. Kaz immediately drew his paw up against the Nidoran's stomach and began pushing. Tesh smirked and clapped his hands. [color=f7976a]"Don't push, use scratch!"[/color] The Meowth's back paw unsheathed its claws as Tesh said this, lashing out with a scratch aimed to deal maximum damage. Kaz intended to dissuade the Nidoran with pain, rather than force. It was the only way he could release himself. Technical play was certainly more befitting of a pokemon with Technician, after all. Regardless of the effect that his scratch attack had on the Nidoran, Meowth would feel the sting of the poison shoot down the paw he'd used to attack with. His right leg would suffer the consequences of the attack. Kaz's agility would take a massive hit. If this scratch attack didn't put his opponent in an equally horrid position, then... [hr] [center][u]Inventory[/u] 500 pokedollars Ficus Pokedex 1 x Potion 1 x Ficus Ball [u]Pokemon Team[/u] Kaz ~ Meowth ~ [color=662d91][PSN][/color][/center]