He shook his head at Cam's question, telling her: "Only rumors, whispers from friendly camps and loners that brag about surviving the North and living to tell about it. I've heard about pre-event goods being bartered around commonly like coffee makers and fully automatic weapons left behind by the military. Then, I've also heard that people refused to work with each other and are more than likely to kill you than to try and help you out. Suppose we'll see when we arrive." He didn't like going in this unprepared, it bothered him, but what else was he supposed to do? Yet, just ahead, a familiar sight aided in filling in the gaps of knowledge they had about the area. Another tanker trailer with the same symbols on it about two hundred yards off. Justin withdrew his pistol, approaching the trailer with caution. The same coppery scent wafted off of the trailer. "Same marking, same material used to make them." He walked around the trailer and advanced a few more feet when downtown Hartford became visible. Chaos was the first word that sprung to mind when examining the ruins from afar. The streets were littered with debris, chunks of building and other unidentifiable objects strewn about with no distinct pattern. In that chaos were a few clearings with what looked like...wagons? He couldn't tell from the distance, but as they closed in on the entrance to the city, his suspicion was confirmed. Wagons lay out in the afternoon sun, tarps covering whatever goods were on them, which meant that there must have been other humans around. Somewhere. Glass crunched underneath their feet as they walked past derelict entrances to subway stations and rundown apartments that could have been the height of luxury in downtown. There was always a curiosity Justin held whenever passing through a major crossing such as this. What were these people thinking when the event happened? How did they react? Did they have families? What could hav- "Stop." A calm voice floated down the avenue, Justin scanning for the source. "We're not here to hurt anyone. Just need to pass through." "Uh huh." From the alleyways crept a group of men and women garbed in sweeping black and blue colored tunics, their pistols trained on the duo. One of them, a blond haired man, spoke as he moved to face both Cam and Justin: "Not the first to drift through here claiming to 'just be passing through'. Where are you headed?" "Portland." A snort. "Stupidest decision of your life." "I'd beg to differ." The blond's eyes examined Justin before looking to Cam, his gaze fixed on her for a few moments before returning to Justin. "You know what's up there, don't you?" "I assume you'll tell me?" The man's safety clicked off as he retorted: "The Harbingers are there. All of them." "Harbingers?" "You don't know, do you? From the South?" "Yes." His pistol lowered slightly. "Most don't know what the situation is like up here. Most want to rob, pillage." "Like I said, just passing through." A few beat of silence, then the man spoke again: "It's not safe to talk here. Come on. There's an outpost we have about half a mile up from here." "Why the sudden change in tone?" "Because I've got a feeling about you two. Come on. Keep up."