[@Jangel13] [hider][img]http://www.artofmtg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Sliver-Hivelord-MtG-Art-600x600.jpg[/img][/hider] A massive green aberration shot across the deck carving a path of gore and vicious death. The creature’s lethal maw had gorged itself on the blood of the weak it had been targeting. Any Knight that put up a fight it had simply avoided allowing the waves of drones to pile on them before moving in for the easy kill. The creature was hardly afraid of the Knights even the stronger ones, it was just such a waste of time to enter into any sort of protracted battle with them. With an almost ecstatic shiver the creature thrashed its lower body through the blood and gore staining the deck of blackwing as it flicked the mess over the nearby drones and onto the nearby Knights as it impaled another pirate on its scythe like appendage. The lesser races were far too enjoyable to slaughter; it was almost as though the blood and viscera were a morbid spa treatment for the aberrant champion. Assessing the deck it picked its next target and pounced drilling its scythes into the already dying Knight. Tearing open the female elf’s rib cage it gorged itself on her still beating heart as the life blood spattered the deck around the Aberration. The cries of the dying aberrant spawns caused the champion to raise its head from its bloody feast. Noting the Nephilim butchering aberrant drones the green aberrant turned and suddenly moved across the deck at blinding speed. Knights and pirates alike were hurled from the path of the aberration. Its vicious claws sliced through flesh and armor like paper. Any who tried to stand in the way of the frightening champion of the aberrations was turned into a bloody stain on the deck of blackwing. With a horrendous howl it launched itself through the air at Shiba. The aberrations tail snapped back and forth propelling it through the air in a living missile of vicious clawed and teeth bearing death. [i]I am your doom Nephilim[/i] [@Viciousmarrow] [hider][img]http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/10/160639_CN.jpg[/img][/hider] A titanic Aberrant hit the deck of Blackwing and began crushing anything that moved. Aberrant spawn, pirate, Knight it didn’t matter. It was a bringer of sorrow and a crusher of hope as its mass of tentacles that served as the lower half of its body turned pirates and knights alike into bloody pulps. None lasted more than a few seconds as it ripped apart armored Knights. Sword, magic and firearm alike did little to the monstrosity as it shrugged off blow after blow. Tearing into the ranks of the unprepared guests it lashed about like an alien oceanic creature. Killing by the dozens it splattered Knights and Aberrant spawn alike with indifference. As Izual transformed the Aberrant snapped its head towards the awakened Hellspawn. With a snap of its vicious tentacles it hauled itself across the deck towards Izual with smooth movements unsettling movements. Brushing aside the tendrils of darkness with its own appendages it approached the Hellspawn and tilted its featureless head as it stared down at the being confronting it. Like an implacable tide it raised its mass of tentacles and brought them down in a wave not unlike an alien tidal wave. As they whipped through the air they tore other aberrant spawn out of the air without any sort of regard for other beings around it. The creature was like an ancient ocean given form as it brought about an implacable end. The tentacles whistled through the air, sounding a death knell. [@lovely complex] [@BeastofDestiny] [hider][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/c32d1694ad2083a272a16275c7e80329/tumblr_nzkdmloUzJ1thxsmlo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] The advance of the death dealing duo was suddenly checked by the impact of a pair of Aberrations that were exactly the same in their appearance. Standing at a towering twelve feet tall the aberrations sported heavy masses of unnatural muscle on their already massive frames. With a fluid movement the two broke off and moved to position themselves on either side of the mech. It was as if the pair moved with a single unified mind. As the twins moved it became apparent that there was a difference between the two of them; however it was incredibly subtle. One of them was right hand dominant while the other was left hand dominant. It manifested only when they split apart and took up positions on either side of the mech. The right hand conjured a void bolt while the left hand advanced to meet the mech. Conjuring a blade of what appeared to be a violet crystal to sheath its hand in a blade it drove forward as at the exact same time the right hand unleashed the deadly magic at Gibraltar’s back aiming to fell the mech from behind as the vicious magic was sent right at the knee joints of the mech in a flat plain of void energy.