Adéla froze as she felt… something. The sensation was both familiar and… terrifyingly alien. Deep down, far within the darkest recesses of her mind, deeper even than her subconscious - she knew what it was. It permeated the air - and she turned her head forebodingly to look at the source. The influence of alcohol was still strong, but its effects seemed to drop off for the moment --------------- It felt like something was erupting inside her. She couldn’t hold it in, the Aberrant energy inside went wild, overpowering her attempts to keep it on the down low as her form enlarged, tentacles and armor rapidly growing off her. “What the…” she growled in an alien voice, by now familiar to her, her attention shifted as she saw the Way opening. She didn’t exactly understand what was going on, but she had a pretty damn good idea. With a movement of her hand a void blade shimmered into existence, gripped tightly in the armored gauntlet. It was scaled up to match her increased size, easily dwarfing a normal two handed sword even as she twirled it in one hand. Paying no heed to the reactions of those next to her, her suspicions were confirmed as a swarm of Aberrant spawn surged through the Way and assaulted the wedding reception. Well, this would certainly be interesting. She lunged forward, cutting a wide swath through the creatures, even as more swarmed on. Tentacles lashed out before her, crushing and spearing dozens of them as she dashed more of them to the floor or against the walls. The void blade flashed again, spilling more blood. Adéla paused, looking around at the countless numbers of the unexpected invaders. This wasn’t the kind of environment she did well in, maybe others would do well against thousands of smaller enemies, but her own power leaned towards eliminating singular foes. She looked around for bigger opponents, letting the other Knights handle the disposables. Bullets slammed into her armor and she whirled, glaring at a pirate with a clear case of mistaken identity. Her attention was dragged away again as a massive presence filled the room. A titanic figure emerged, distorting reality itself. She gulped, this wasn’t the kind of singular enemy she’d been hoping for. Fleeing from it, she hurled herself into the melee instead, she had some fairly respectable power - but nothing compared to… whatever that was. Attacking it would simply be suicide, maybe if she could get to Urthar...