Appearance: [img][/img] She stands at 5'4 ft tall, and is never without her hat. Name: Kyla Byrne Gender: female Age: 21 Species: Human Power Level: 1,000 Aura/Ki color: Magenta Personality: Kyla Byrne isn't much of a fighter, she actually couldn't throw a bunch to save her life, despite having a high power reading. She has always been a case of gifted but to lazy to do anything about it. She is rather laid back, spends most of her time strumming away on her guitar or sleeping and chilling out, she will get excited over small things pretty easily though. With this she is generally pretty kind as well, sometimes a little to trusting of others. The most active Kyla will ever get is when she is racing along on her hoverboard, that of deliberately looking for danger, despite not knowing or wanting to know how to fight, she will go out of her way to find a dangerous situation, if she is able to help out. Anything to feel like she is useful and needed, when a situation has turned south. Abilities/Techniques: She doesn't really have many, if any special abilities or Techniques, however she can play a mean tune on her guitar. It is also rather pointless trying to chase her down once she is on her hoverbored, as she has been riding it for most of her life. Unless of course you can fly, then you jut have to watch for low hanging branches and tunnels Occasionally however, she may be able to sense higher power levels, but not knowing what this is, Kyla just shrugs it off as her being a weirdo. Equipment: Kyla carries a guitar case on her person, she keeps it strapped to her back at nearly all times, in this is of course her guitar, and she also keeps an inflatable travel pillow in her guitar case so that she can sleep anywhere and anytime. Kyla also has her hoverbored with her at all times, and a special wrist band connected to her hoverbored, so that she can locate it if lost, along her helmet of course, because even the best can bail.awwwd Weaponry: Kyla keeps a pistol and some ammunition, hidden in her guitar case like everything else she owns History: (this is optional, now you can go all out on the history if you want, or you could just say they got amnesia when they were forcefully taken from their universe yet they still know there names amongst other things.) Other: (optional, feel free to put a theme in here if you wish) Team Three Star