[hider= Mason Thames][b]Name[/b]: Mason Thames [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Attire/Appearance[/b]: [hider=Mason][img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/0215/f/2015/086/d/7/giltia_e_yuchenghong_by_yuchenghong-d8nauxw.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Occupation[/b]: Freedom Fighter, Leader of the Rebellion [b]Alignment[/b]:The Rebellion [b]Location[/b]: Slums [b]A Brief History[/b]: Mason had a hard life as a young boy, with his family being owned as slaves by a monster in the West End. That monster, however, was the former elder of the West End, who was assassinated by another monster that wanted to seize control of the position. Mason’s parents, however, were unfortunate enough to be caught in the fray while he was sent to run away as the fighting broke out. They never caught up or escaped and were assumed to have perished in the chaos that ensued on that night.Mason vowed from that moment to seek vengeance, particularly against the Elder of the west end. His life centred around the goal of bringing the whole world down on top of the heads of those monsters responsible for allowing humans to be kept as slaves, his life dedicated to toppling the regime of the Elders. Several years passed after the event in West End, and Mason began hearing tales of a group in the slums that was taking any one who could fight and using them to actively combat the Elders and their iron grip on the city of Enigma. He fought hard and bravely for the young man that he was, in his mid-teen years. His future was lost and had nothing left but vengeance and retribution. Mason spent much of his time training himself to be a marksman and a skilled thief to be able to gain anything that would help him further his quest to take down the Elders. When he was about eighteen, he stole an old flintlock pistol that was on display in an old shop on the east end of enigma and kept it for himself, finding that the firing mechanism was swapped out for something magic based that shot bullets made of arcane energy. Mason treasured this gun as it was the first step on his road to avenging the wrong doings that his people had suffered and his first step to claiming revenge for the death of his mother and father. For a period of time after that, Mason gained favor among the higher ups off the Rebellion and found that he was offered the position as Leader when he turned twenty four. Not long after he had been offered the position, the base camp of the rebels was attacked and many of the leaders of the rebellion were killed in the resulting battle. This left Mason as the sole member of the Rebellion with any sort of renown and leadership potential, making the remaining members look to him for guidance. He was shocked and left to wonder if he was capable of leading the rebellion when men that were more skilled than he were brutally slaughtered in a dastardly attack that left Mason without one of his arms. A period of time passed as he received a new arm from a mysterious benefactor to the rebellion and took on the mantle of Leader of the Rebellion. His leadership tactics and way of running things was much more covert than his predecessor. Mason spent much of the rest of his time until now, running covert operations to gain information about the Elders and their habits as well. During this time, a young shifter woman joined the rebellion under the guise of a magic wielding human with shapeshifting powers. Her name was Alicia Nightwing, and she turned out to be one of Mason’s best agents for gathering information. At first their interactions were brief, rushed and strictly business, but they slowly shifted towards a more personal interaction. Mason began asking about where she lived, about her family, and most importantly about how she felt about the rebellion and why she had remained so loyal to the cause. Over time, Mason began to love the young woman and kept the feelings to himself as their interactions went from strictly business to a more casual, friendly relationship. Meetings were longer and involved more drink and laughter than they did a solemn sharing of information from the most recent excursion. During his time with Alicia, he spent a few missions out in the streets of East End, pick pocketing guards and gaining valuable objects for use within the rebellion, searching out weapons caches and hidden warehouses to conduct business out of. For a time, Mason was happy, and reveled in the fact that the rebellion was thriving after nearly falling apart four years ago and now he had found a reason to settle down and maybe stop pursuing vengeance. But the parasite still lingered, the thoughts of revenge festered in his mind with each tidbit of information gained on the Elders and their lackeys pushing his actions further towards taking action against the ones who had been oppressing the humans for so long. The time was coming to act against the Elders and take back what rightfully belonged to the humans and take back his freedom from the chains of vengeance. [b]Other[/b]: Both of his guns function in a similar fashion, with the flintlock having more firepower, but with the downside of being less accurate. He often dual wields the guns in combat and has little close combat skill, he instead opts to harry his foes in a flurry of arcane bullets from both guns and use hit and run tactics that favor his naturally weaker form to the monsters. For being a human, however, he is quite agile and dexterous, capable of avoiding many attacks and able to sneak around unnoticed. These skills come in great help while he is around stealing things and being a sneaky shit.[/hider]