[hider=Balgus the Iron Soul] Name:Balgus the Iron Soul Appearance:A hulking man in both size and stature, Balgus is easily 6'3" of rippling muscle and scar tissue. Bright blue eyes look out over a face that has seen a few too many broken noses to be called handsome anymore. He has a thick and surprisingly well manicured handlebar moustache which is the only hair remaining on his head. These days he is rarely seen outside of his [url=http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Dark-Souls/Img0031.jpg]characteristic armor[/url] which only adds to an already imposing silhouette. Age: mid 30s to late 40s Gender: Male Personality: Outwardly headstrong and boisterous, Balgus has a personality like a jolly hurricane. Once he sets himself to the task the only thing that will stop him is death, but given the nature of the curse that appears to have lost some of its bite. Balgus is a sociable man, quick to become friends with even total strangers provided they can tolerate his lack of subtlety. This is not to say he is a fool, beneath the outward simplicity is a calculating man who acts only when he is certain of the course it's just that once he acts it takes quite a bit to make him stop. Background: Balgus was once a proud warrior in a foreign land who made a name for himself with feats of almost inhuman strength. In his youth he was an apprentice blacksmith, a career path which he attributes as the foundations of his great musculature, but found the quiet life lacking. When his lord demanded troops he signed up willingly though initially as company armorer. Few things go as planned and Balgus would end up tasting combat sooner rather than later. He found his now iconic suit of armor while campaigning in a land of gods, the skeleton of its former user still inside but the armor unharmed. Most of his allies thought the suit unwearable but Balgus was able to shoulder its prohibitive weight with ease. His unshakable will in battle and heavy armor earned him the praise of his comrades and his lord who named him the Iron Soul, the name he would carry for the rest of his mortal career. When it came to pass that he had the curse of the undead he was exiled to the land of Avalin to spend the rest of his days among the throngs of restless dead. He is trying to find purpose in this lifeless land lest he become hollow like the rest. Weapons: He wields a broken Greatsword which he found alongside his armor. The tip had been broken off and the blade is dull, though it seems a nearly impossible task even for a seasoned smith to make such a thick blade retain an edge. Instead he uses its still impressive mass to smash targets with great chopping and sweeping attacks. He lacks a shield and instead uses the flat of the blade to tank or deflect hits. In a pinch he could also use his smith's hammer in combat though this is not what it is meant for. Armor: He wears a heavy suit of black iron armor which he is able to move in surprisingly adeptly. Other Equipment: Blacksmith's tools, an estus flask, and 5 firebombs. Any relations?: He has a daughter, herself bearing the curse. Much of his reason for adventuring is the hope of finding her again and keeping her safe. Any skills: Balgus is an able blacksmith capable of maintaining most armor and weaponry. Title of government: [/hider]