Alaera waited patiently for the events to unfold. She looked at herself in the mirror, her soft skin almost flawless. Her lips thick and painted red. She was obsessed with how she looked. But she had secrets, her eyes hid them well but she knew deep down they were there. The king had come to visit her chambers before he had noticed the lack in his captain. She had faked being ill and was glad it had rid herself of him. She didn't love him and being forced into this situation made her hate him. She pulled a dagger from her hair that had been neatly hidden away. She frequently had several daggers on her, small ones but long enough to pierce a man's heart and sharp enough to slit his throat. She was an assassin herself after all, but she was playing a game with an entire kingdom not just a single man. Just as her hair fell, uncurling from the tight style she had it in before she continued to watch herself in the mirror. She saw the slight shift in the curtains as the door opened to the hidden tunnels from her room. She rose and faced her assassin and smiled. "Hopefully that will keep him busy for a few nights." She spoke softly. Then she walked up to him and caressed his cheek. One of her secrets was him, she hadn't even told him, but it was growing and growing quickly. An attraction to a man she couldn't have, but she had spent her night thinking, debating. Her hand was soft, they weren't hands of a labourer. She stepped closer to him so he could feel her warm body close to his, then she tilted her head. "Lex, give me a child." She almost begged him, a show of her lack in control. Normally she was unshakable in her emotions even in the hate to her father and mother. But when she spoke with him, more and more frequently her real emotions showed. "Give me a child and we will claim it's the kings, I can not bare his child no matter the reason." She bit her lip as she looked him in the eyes before making the move of stealing that first kiss, a kiss she had never truly given willingly.