"Oh, they're surprisingly comfy!", piped Giko as Claribel placed the TD set over her head, "So how do they OH WOW THAT'S REALLY LOUD." Giko continued her attempts to eat, a small crowd of gulls gathering around to pick up the mashed-up chunks of food as they rolled back out of her mouth. The puppeteer seemed firmly focused on the bag of doughnuts to the exclusion of all other events presently occuring, but that didn't seem to keep Giko from interacting in the slightest. "SAY, SO CLARIBEL.", Giko shouted, apparently oblivious to how loud she was, "NOW THAT I GET A GOOD LOOK AT YOU, YOU'RE PRETTY CUTE! WHAT DO YOU USE FOR YOUR MOISTURIZER, ANYWAY? NORMALLY I USE A CORNSTARCH MASK, BUT I'VE BEEN THINKING I SHOULD SWITCH TO COCONUT- OH! SORRY, GUY, I DIDN'T SEE YOU THERE!" Apparently, while she had been talking, some blue-haired guy in a duster and some kind of tunic had come up and grabbed her hand. He was saying something, but it was too quiet to make out. "WHAT?", Giko responded, "SORRY, CAN YOU SAY THAT AGAIN? I CAN'T READ LIPS OR [b]AUFUGHAH[/b]" She whipped her hand out of Chamber's grasp, flailing blindly at a particularly opportunistic seagull that had gotten itself lodged in her mouth.