With senses that were sharper then humans, Cinead had no problem catching most of what was being said around them, most of the conversations involving those who were snickering commenting on the obvious difference between himself and Anna. He had to fight off the temptation to level a glower at the offenders, A normal human wouldn't be able to pick up on what was being said on the other side of the room after all. Especially when they were whispering. Trying not to let the disapproval show in his face, Cin did his best to block out the others in the room, gaze focused on the woman beside him. "that is good to hear that things went well for you. For myself, I'm afraid I stayed up a bit later than I should have last night, so I found it difficult to concentrate. Hopefully my subconscience was able to absorb more of the lecture then I thought I did." He admitted, unable to stop The next yawn. "Hopefully there wasn't an announcement about a test date that I missed."