Scabbard looked sleepily at his newfound, musclebound friend as he put a friendly hand on his shoulder. Scabbard looked at the hand in mild surprise: Not many people were inclined to touch him....He understood, what with his grody skin, but Dugrass was one of the few who put a whole, five-fingered hand on him and not yelp or run away. He looked back at him with a smile, letting his handshaking hand fall lazily back to his side. "...Cabbage Crasher?....Hey, that ain't bad..." He watched him quickly take the lead and walk off with admiration. This guy must have a pretty solid sense of direction....Was he a navigator? Scab wondered of he'd ever been on a ship before...or if he'd [i]like[/i] to. He could use someone who knew where he was going, if he was to get anywhere in........wherever he was planning on going? Where did he plan on going again? He hadn't really thought about it.....As he [i]started[/i] to think about it, however, it became suddenly apparent to him that Dugrass had, in fact, walked off in that direction. He hurriedly followed to catch up, hefting his massive sword onto his shoulders once again.