[hider=Malakaus] Name: Malakaus Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/zDPmc2w.jpg[/img] Age: 23 Gender: Male Backround: Malakaus knows his past quiet clearly, despite being a hollow. He was a bandit found to be a a undead, thus he was imprisoned in the Undead Asylum. He had managed to engineer his own escape however, leaving the Asylum and wondering the world as a roaming murder. He had joined many factions, betrayed many people, and collected many souls during his rampage. Some may question why he would kill. He himself has wondered the same thing. But killing, and dying, were two things he was good at. So he continued to do so as he pleases. That's not to say that he kills without reason. Indeed, he often joins covenants just to have purpose being his killings. Either to collect humanity for the Fair Lady, or to be soaked in blood for the Brotherhood, or even to participate in jolly-cooperation with the Warriors of Sunlight. Currently, he has found this budding community, and amongst them, a strange woman who calls herself the fire-keeper. No stranger to such women, Malakaus is uncertain why this one is so close to him, but he appreciates her company nonetheless. For now he fights for her, acting as her champion and guardian. Weapons, spells, armor, other equipment go here: Weapons: [i]Bandit Daggers (x2)[/i] - A pair of vicious daggers seen often on brigands and their ilk. Deadly short blades that causes sever bleeding. Malakaus dual-wields two to maximize the hemorrhaging. [i]Notched Great Machete[/i] - A massive cleaver-like blade with a notch in the blade to create a second handle of sorts. This allows Malakaus a more mighty blow, at the cost of a drastically shorter range. (Essentially a weaker and lighter version of Yhorm's Great Machete). Armor: [i]Bandit Set[/i] - Intimidating but crude armor crafted of bone, hide, and metal. Fearsome and light, while it's defensive traits are lacking, it still provides some protection against blows. [i]Poison Blossom Kite Shield[/i] - A rare shield depicting a blossoming flower, that soothes the weary heart of its bearer. It has been infused with poisonous titanite, allowing the shield to ward off any venomous attack. Rings: [i]Rusted Iron Ring[/i] - This iron ring was used to shackle the guilty. It is terribly rusted, and faintly stained with blood. While most would have tossed such a thing long ago, Malakaus has found that thanks to this ring, he can traverse water, swamps, tar pits, and the like with great ease and no difficulty at all. [i]Crest of Blood[/i] - A symbol of Malakau's time with the Brotherhood of Blood. Though he has long since cut ties with the covenant, he continues to use the ring for his own ends. Namely, the end of others. Items: [i]Estus Flask[/i] - An undead favorite. Used to heal Malakaus' wounds. He has had it reinforced thanks to Syndere, allowing more uses than most. [i]Firebombs[/i] (x10) - A small urn filled with black powder that explodes upon impact. Useful for damaging small groups, large enemies, or when something just needs to be on fire. [i]Kukri[/i] (x20) - A small throwing machete. Throw at enemies to cause bleeding damage. Malakaus is no stranger to thrown knives, but he finds these blades to be particularly interesting. He has even learned how to craft some of his own. Any relations?: [i]Syndere[/i] - The Fire Keeper. Malakaus does not know why she seems to close to him, but admittedly his own lust for her prevents him from questioning it any further. Acts as her champion and guardian, and often differs to her for guidance. Any skills or additional things you are good at? While not a blacksmith worthy of the name, Malakaus has much experience making small blades in the forge. Using only a single titanite shard, he can make many throwing knives of various types, from simple knives to ones that can cause sever bleeding, and with the right materials even ones that can spread poison. Often his go-to range weapon, Malakaus is always eager to try out new and interesting designs for his knives. Title of government: Unofficially the Firekeeper's guardian. May change in the future. [/hider] [hider=Syndere] Name: Syndere Appearance: [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/6dd3/i/2015/052/a/f/desert_sorcerer_by_agacross-d8ixqpi.jpg[/img] Age: 27 Gender: Female Backround Little is known of Syndere and how she became a fire keeper. Indeed, Syndere herself seems to know very little about it. But she does know one thing: this body she inhabits now was not her original. Due to the flow of time in this chaotic world, she knows that she was, in fact, once the warrior known as Malakaus. Truly, a mystery to not only her but anyone else who would dare discovery her past. But she knows it to be true, and when Syndere found the same man herself, she felt that he needed to stay with her to discover more about how she came to be. Weapons, spells, armor, other equipment go here: Weapons: [i]Pyromancy Flame[/i] - The catalyst in which Syndere is capable of using her Pyromancy. Her hand becomes engulfed in flames and allows her to blast her opponents with fire, or cast a variety of Pyromancy to devastate her enemies. [i]Old Whip[/i] - A leather whip that has seen plenty of use. It appears no different than an ordinary whip, but is charmed by an ancient blessing that boosts damage inflicted on Hollows. Syndere obtained this trinket after trading some rocks to a nest of crows, and finds it to be quite useful at keeping the undead at bay. [i]Hunter's Black Bow[/i] - A bow carved from ebony wood, masterfully crafted to be both beautiful and deadly. Sports a longer range than most bows, but requires a dexterous hand to use. Syndere says very little about how she came to obtain this bow, only that it's not the original, but neither is it fake. [i]Dark Hand[/i] - Weapon that allows its wielder to evoke an art unique to Londor, the land of the Hollow. An obvious sign of Syndere's former alliance with the Dark Wraith's, however this was an alliance she made after becoming who she was, and is still a force unknown to her previous incarnation. Currently works alongside the Dark Wraiths for a nefarious purpose, or perhaps out of simple nostalgia. Armor: [i]Desert Sorcerer's Set[/i] - An "outfit" from the distant lands of Jugo. Syndere is quite aware of how impractically skimpy this armor is, and intentionally uses it for the purpose of seduction and distraction, even at the cost of protection. Rings: [i]Untrue Dark Ring[/i] - One of the illusory rings worn by the Hollows of Londor. This ring feeds Syndere's newfound vanity, allowing her to remain impeccably human despite her how Hollow she may have become. [i]Old Witch Ring[/i] - Old ring from an old witch. Engraved minutely with indecipherable script, but seemingly useless. An old keepsake Syndere had from a time long ago, and one of the reasons she became a fire keeper. Items: [i]Estus Flask[/i] - Even as a Fire Keeper herself, Syndere has a flask of Estus to heal her own wounds. Not any more powerful than anyone else Estus, however if she could find the shards, bone dust, or even the souls of former Fire Keepers, Syndere can grant her estus more power. Syndere's estus can also be used to resort of magic bar. [i]Silver Talisman[/i] (x5) - A tiny charm embedded with imitative magic. Use to transform into something to blend in. Only provides the most superficial camouflage, but sometimes that is enough to do the trick. [i]Repair Powder[/i] (x5) - Enchanted metal rendered into powder. Repairs equipment. Due to the relative fragility of Syndere's equipment, she makes sure she comes well stocked with Repair Powders so that she can continue to fight at her best. Spells: [i]Fireball[/i] - The simplest form of Pyromancy known. Allows Syndere to throw a small ball of fire. Despite it's size, it is still a deadly flame, easy to use and hardly taxing. [i]Lingering Flame[/i] - Creates a minute fireball that explodes in close proximity to Syndere's enemies. When first conjured it's flames is no bigger than a candle's, but when an enemy draws within it's blast radius it becomes a massive ball of fire that engulfs the enemy in flames. [i]Rapport[/i] - Charms the enemy, making them a temporary ally. The living are lured by flame, and this tendency is elemental to the art of pyromancy. Only works on certain foes. Syndere had once learned Pyromancy from Quelana herself, though it was the only spell Syndere learned before she never saw her teacher again. [i]Warmth[/i] - Creates a gentle, warm flame that heals those who touch it. Not all flames are made to destory. This Pyromancy will heal any who embraces it, be it friend or foe. [i]Corrosive Cloud[/i] - A spell of Syndere's own design. While she quests to become a stronger Pyromancer, she needs to do more than learn, but to create. But most of her foes scoff at her efforts, claiming that those with true power needs only skill at arms and equipment to suit them. So Syndere created this spell to test their power without those weapons. A variant of the fringe pyromancy, Acid Surge, this cloud follows Syndere's targets slowly, but in it's massive cloud it needn't go far before her foes are left with nothing but bare bones. Any relations?: [i]Malakaus[/i] - Syndere's previous incarnation. How both Syndere and Malakaus can exist at once, or how she even came to be, is as much of a mystery to herself as to others. However she will not miss the opportunity of having an ally she can manipulate quite intimately, thus she keeps her old persona close for protection and company. Though she still wonders what his ultimate fate shall be once she is more than capable of taking care of herself. Any skills or additional things you are good at? Syndere has been granted the powers of the Fire Keeper, maintaining the bonfire and empowering the undead or lords of ashes with souls. However she also is willing to teach others Pyromancy, and for a certain few she can even grant them a flame of their own. However this is rare, as she'd only teach her powers to those she can trust, as well as those who can make it worth her while. Title of government: Fire Keeper [/hider]