[hider=Jaelyn Ralei][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5b/8d/1f/5b8d1f0485d08cc142914d5296d3c728.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=bc8dbf]Name:[/color] Jaelyn Ralei; likes to be called "Lyn" by those close to her. [color=bc8dbf]Age:[/color] Nineteen years old. [color=bc8dbf]Titles:[/color] [i]Princess.[/i] [color=bc8dbf]Origin:[/color] Caeleon. [color=bc8dbf]Allegiance:[/color] House Ralei. [color=bc8dbf]Family:[/color] [hider=Click Me!] Euric Ralei -- Father Viridiana Ralei -- Mother Arthur Ralei -- Little brother Cassiopeia Ralei -- Little sister Viktor Summers -- Half-brother[/hider] [color=bc8dbf]Appearance:[/color] Jaelyn is a normally sized woman, at least, for her age. She stands at 5'6" and has a healthy figure. Her hair is perhaps the most important part of her body; Jaelyn styles it constantly, whether keeping it straight for it to fall upon her shoulders or picking it up in wonderfully done buns and braids. Her eyes are a light green color, much like her siblings. [color=bc8dbf]Personality:[/color] Being the oldest sibling, Jaelyn has always tried her hardest to make herself an acceptable role-model to both her brother and sister. She has become the epitome of her father's wishes; after he trained her to have acceptable behavior for her gender, Jaelyn has learned the proper etiquette of a Ralei noblewoman. Even though she knows how to behave herself well, there are times where her temper gets the best of her-- however, these instances are rather rare. [color=bc8dbf]Background:[/color] Born in the midst of one of the hottest days of summer, all of the south celebrated the first child of Lord Ralei. While Jaelyn would not be able to take her father's place, she was treated well all throughout her childhood. Her father spoiled her greatly, giving her whatever she wished as long as she behaved accordingly. And thus, her father and her grew rather close, and it was Jaelyn's greatest pleasure to see her own father smile. Jaelyn's childhood was spent around her younger siblings, laughing and playing with them as her father and mother went off to do their own things. Years passed, and she liked to think that she was a good sibling to both Arthur and Cassiopeia. As she grew older, however, a common question was passed between her relatives. When was she going to be wed? And to who? Unfortunately, she still hasn't found a proper suitor, even at her age. Jaelyn is thankful for her father's wishes to find someone that would treat her well, other than simply offering her up to forge stronger allegiances with other Houses.[/center][/hider]