[hider=Some lore stuff regarding the Deep and its inhabitants] [h3][center]-The ancient Island of Akur-[/center][/h3] Once, it was a somewhat prosperous village of people. They lived on a medium island some distance away from the mainland, to the west of the Qayu province, and north of what is today Etrusica. The people there worshiped no gods. Indeed, they were far removed from the machinations of the other children for a time. The island was more or less prosperous for the first hundred or so years of the Dawn. Their culture was mostly fishing based, using spears made of wood and nets to catch fish for their hungry people. A few farms dotted the island, growing some local produce and tropical fruits as well. Until they got to curious and delved into the labyrinthine catacombs that stretched beneath their island, Deep into the sea. Most lived in stone houses, with stone mined from the same labyrinth. A complacent and peaceful existence. How they remained out of the machinations of the Dawn war for so long by themselves is a mystery to quite a few people. Some theorize that the thing that lurked beneath their island shielded them from sight, however. And what lurked in those labyrinthine catacombs? A child of Aton. A lost, and curious creature who only knew of itself, and the Deep caverns it called home. Some say it gave them enlightenment, and others madness. Both stories could be considered true. Whatever it was, and whatever the Child's reasons were, the newly discovered child dragged the city resting above her caverns into the Deep with her, so that they could be with her. There was a great quake, and the earth beneath the city opened, falling into a deep abyss below. The city fell to the ocean floor, into a great chasm never to be seen on the surface again. Those who resisted her call, were dealt with harshly. Usually involving their deaths, though others had their minds dominated, forced to serve whether they wished or not. After all, they no longer resisted once they were part of the Deep. Of course, that is not exactly something Nefas would ever admit to doing, and any of her children would never speak of it, though most from that time are either dead or have long since fallen into slumber when their Queen did. During the war, this purging was never mentioned. This was the end of Akur as an island, and the beginning of what Nefas would later name Su'Akur, the Black Jewel of the Deep. [center][h3]-The Founding of Su'Akur, Black Jewel of the Deep-[/h3][/center] In the following years, Nefas ordered her new subjects to build a grand city, dedicated solely to her and them. Of course, they didn't build the city on the bottom of the ocean, but rather beneath its floor. Those who fell with the city that were loyal, were whisked away to the safety of the caverns below. Those who didn't, were left to drown. Those miraculous few who weren't loyal and lived, were forcibly turned, their minds dominated. The City was a place where they could live in relative peace, until the end came for the world. They toiled for years, with knowledge gained from the deep and Nefas herself, building from the top of the caverns, down, down, down, and down until they reached the dark, cold abyss, where Nefas would make her Throne. Nefas constructed a grand palace, large enough to house her otherworldly form and even allow for easy movement inside of it. It was carved right into the stone floor and walls, polished to shine brightly, with a large tower circling all the way to the topmost layer of the city, atop which sat a shining, black jewel. It took an entire generation and a half for them to complete the monumental work. If the workers had been human, it would have likely taken much longer. After their work was done...Nefas commanded they rest. They had a home, and had a rather peaceful existence for a few decades under her rule, without being beset by the other children. [center][h3]-Su'Akur, Black Jewel of the Deep-[/h3][/center] The city, was probably the single largest city that existed in the world during the Dawn, and was likely a wonder to even some of the other children. It was home to many denizens of the Deep, for once Nefas began her domination of others minds, many were drawn to the mysterious city, quickly swelling its population. Of course, this was indeed a conscious thing she was doing. She routinely sent out creatures to entice people to return to the deep and seek the comfort of the wonders of the city. The city itself, was likely fairly alien in appearance and architecture compared to the more traditional styles of the other children. The uppermost floors, were built right into the rocks, and were home to most of the beasts and animals that called the Deep home. A ward, against intruders. Very little light exists on this level, and if one were to delve deeper towards the city, one must somehow traverse it, as there are no markings or land marks guiding ones way. Add to the creatures that would likely attack any intruder, and many never returned. Most never even attempted such a venture. One can find the ancient remains of the city of Akur on this level, almost immaculate and preserved by magics from the Deep.... If one were to successfully find their way through, then they would lay eyes on a sight that would be both hauntingly beautiful and disturbing. The entrance to the city itself. The entrance is built into a massive stalactite, easily the size of a human kings palace. Guards of the Deep constantly were stationed here, welcoming all who wished to enter their city so long as they did not cause trouble. Surrounding it, was a massive lake where countless aquatic creatures slumbered, patrolling the seas above the sprawling caverns. Many denizens of the deep also lived here as well, taking care of the beasts and fishing for food from the underwater seas bounty. It was quite a serene scene. Pale light shone from the ceiling, fake stars shimmering upon the ceiling, illuminating the stalactite and lake. Crashing water could be heard in the distance, as the sea above poured into the underground. Past this, laid what some would call the residential district. Rather, what some might call the 'slums'. The houses, shops, and everything were tightly packed together. The denizens lived here in a somewhat...chaotically peaceful manner. Most of the area was constructed of houses carved into the earth, dangling over a deep abyss, at the bottom of which rested the Palace of the Deep. Numerous stone bridges crisscrossed this area, connecting various houses and buildings. In the distance, one can see a large stone tower, atop of which is lit flame. The highest point of the tower, where the Lady of the Deep resides. Continuing downward, one would find a much more peaceful area, where most denizens would go for...'relaxation', whatever that form of it would be. One can find a massive garden here. Otherworldly trees, grass, and other foliage grow here. Mutated variants of other plants that were likely initially dragged down when Akur sunk, and that were brought in over the years. Mutated by the introduction of the Deep Blood to their own biology, or by some denizen of the Deep that mutated them for whatever reason. likewise, additional lakes are formed by water pouring in form above. The sound of water crashing can always be heard through the entire city. On the very lowest level, exists the Royal Palace and everyone that Nefas would have deemed important enough to keep close to her. Her most trusted and loyal servants and subjects were housed in the shimmering palace. The deep extends even past this point, but Nefas has always been adamant to never delve further into her own domain than she must. For whatever reason, no one can say. Perhaps she is protecting something. Perhaps she is simply wary of the creatures that lurk within. Perhaps there is no reason at all. After all, one must not always have a reason to do something. [center][h3]-Culture-[/h3][/center] The ancient culture of the denizens is...well, Culture is a funny thing to call it. Having most of their desires, wants, sins, and other things basically extinguished by the influence of the Deep, means their culture is a bit...unique. Their architecture is very...inconsistent, to say the least. Sometimes a bridge would lead to nowhere. A door opens to a pit that bottoms out fifty feet below. The slums are the worst part of this, it's maze like streets difficult to navigate for one who doesn't know where they are going. Some of these curiosities, of course, may also be used as shortcuts by those with the right skill sets. As far as Art, goes, masonry was a favored way for the denizens to pass the time if they weren't doing anything. After all, most weren't mindless drones and while they were content and desired not, they still had to do something with their time. Whether they enjoyed such acts or not, is debatable, but if asked one would have likely replied they did. Additionally, painting made up another large portion, with studying rather more...secretive and dark magics came in third. The Denizens food consisted mostly of fish of various sorts, perhaps a bleed over form the original residents of Akur. In their gardens, they grew fruit, vegetables, and other things native to the Deep. [center][h3]-Magic-[/h3][/center] Magic inside of Su'Akur, branched rather heavily from most magics. Most magic developed and researched here, was of the otherworldly sort, partially summoning creatures from the Deep and summoning energies of different realities into their world. While not specifically malefic in nature as some might assume, most of this magic tends to drive the wielder to seek the Deep, and live there. Such things can be resisted, however, but the longer one gazes into the Deep, the more one is drawn. Most of those who researched such magics, were a group similar to the Clergy. Scholars who studied at an academy, and practiced eldritch magics for the betterment of the entire city and the Queen. They were their own sect of people within the Deep, though often they worked more...in the shadows for the good of the whole. [center][h3]-The People of The Tribe Itself-[/h3][/center] The Citizens of the Deep all used to be human of sorts, or some other animal that lived on the surface. Turned humans made up 90% of their population, however, as they were the most numerous creatures on the surface. Humans turned by the Deep differ vastly in appearance, depending on how much they've exactly delved into it, and how much they have devoted themselves to their Queen. The Atypical human will not look much different than any other, making distinguishing them from another quite difficult. The only way to tell one of these apart from another, would be their eyes. All of those who devote themselves to the Deep, have eyes that seem to be a sea of stars if one were to examine it closely. Their pupils will seem to be a deep, dark, abyss where no light is reflected. These types of humans made up over half of the population of the city, roughly seventy percent and led lives similar to those on the surface. Similar professions, the loved, they had children, and occasionally they disputed. Of course, such disputes were handled quickly and swiftly. Disrupting the peace of the city is frowned upon by the Queen. The members of the Clergy of the Deep, make up the next largest part of the population, at roughly seven percent. They were the members of the Church of the Lady, named for their Queen. They were the administrators of the city. Those who ran things so the Divine Mother didn't have to waste her time with day to day problems. The lower ranking members of the clergy are no different then your average citizen. However, those who delve into the Deep and deepen their loyalty to their mother, start to take on otherworldly and are slowly turned into something...else. The higher ranking members wore robes of black and blue, covering their faces under hoods and wearing thick gloves to hide whatever inhuman visage and inhuman abilities they gained from their loyalties. One must cease being human completely, after all, for their connection with their Mother to Deepen. Everyone of the clergy who is appointed High Minister, or any position of note within the city must go through this process in some way. Whether they wish it or not. The last major chunk of the human based population at seven percent, are those that have given themselves completely to the Deep and the Lady of the Deep, though they really cannot be called human at this point. These monstrosities come in many shapes and sizes, and are kept comfortable for their loyalty, residing at the lowest pit of Su'Akur, living in the massive Palace along with their Holy Mother. Some, resemble Octopi and other fish. Some, a horrendous mass of eyes and tentacles. Others, are deceptively human looking, more so than even she is. They are her most loyal servants, and though they can no longer commune with humans without some form of difficulty, they are her most devoted. Eventually all high ranking members of the clergy will become one of these creatures. However, after their Queen was forced into slumber, many of these creatures fled. The aquatic ones to slumber into the seas. The grotesque abominations scurried away into the dark depths of the Deeps endless seeming caverns. The deceptively human ones...integrated themselves into society, or were hunted down mercilessly, like the rest of her tribe. The final small percentage of humans, are made up of the scholars who studied the magics of the Deep, make up around roughly 6~5 percent of the population, the smallest sect within the city. They studied in secret, at the behest of their mother so that they might unlock secrets that would be for the betterment of the people. Of course, they were also the most shunned by their mother. One must be wary when delving into the arcane, even if it is with good intentions. The final, last ten percent of the population is made up of creatures turned into something else by the Deep. It is impossible to categorize these creatures, as they come in many shapes and sizes, and are as numerous as the creatures that walk the earth and fish that swim in the oceans. [center][h3]~The Deep~[/h3][/center] What is the deep? It's that inky, black, Abyss that exists at the bottom of the ocean and beneath it. Some say it has been there since the beginning, since before the land, flora, fauna, and everything else existed. The Deep is traditionally a resting place, where lost things gather in an attempt to find solace in an eternal slumber. Originally, nothing lived there, for there was nothing physical existing there. Except, for maybe a handful of beings. It stretches under the deepest parts of the ocean. Labyrinthine Caverns that stretch far into the earth. As of today, exploring all of them is an almost impossible feat. For once you leave, the entire caves could very well change thanks to the meddling of some creature or another that lives down there. [center][h3]-Creatures of the Deep-[/h3][/center] In the past, there very few inhabitants of the Deep, aside from the Child, Nefas. Perhaps some other beings living down there, but for the most part the Deep was Still. Quiet. Peaceful. And then Nefas created Su'Akur, and crowned herself as the Lady of the Deep. This fundamentally changed things within the Deep. For once where there was stillness, there was a form of life. The creatures of the deep were always something else to begin with. Humans. Dogs. Cats. Most often Fish, or some other form of aquatic animal that found itself in the waters surrounding the city. Most humans who have become part of the deep, aside from the general populace and initiates into the Church of the Lady, develop some form of inhuman trait. This can range from losing most of their hair, and their skin becoming clammy and cold. Losing weight until they becoming nothing but skin and bones. Some lost the use of their mouth, which was replaced by a beard of writhing tentacles. Generally, the more inhuman one looked the more powerful and higher up on the social rung they were considered in ancient Su'Akur. One, common creature however, is the Root Slug. A small, black colored slug that seems to be almost impossible to ever completely get rid of. Small, silent, and completely harmless looking. They are the main method one has of coming into contact with the Deep. They will bite a creature, and inject their own blood into the victim. The slug usually dies in the process, but once they inject their blood into a host, the host will suddenly feel drawn to seek out the Deep, and its dark, unsettling beauty. Ever since the betrayal, however, these slugs have slowly began to dwindle in population as they have been actively hunted. [center][h3]-The Madness and the Infection of the Deep-[/h3][/center] To call it an infection is not entirely false. The most common method of being suddenly caught by the wonder of the deep, is to come into contact with something from the deep. Most often, it is spread through the blood and bodily fluids of creatures who inhabit the deep. In short term, these things can probably be used in useful concoctions, but in long term they would always likely drive one into becoming possessed by the Deep. To be taken by the Deep, one must come into contact with something from the deep. Either through willing study, or otherwise. The first stages are fairly noticeable to begin with. Auditory hallucinations are quite common, but the individual is otherwise unhindered. Progressing further, one starts to have dreams. Unsettling dreams of Su'Akur, and its bright, shining city, though now it is nothing more than a ruin. A haunting, empty dream, even in reality. These dreams may end either peacefully, or badly, depending. Either way, one will likely start to have trouble sleeping. Along with some possible visual hallucinations, the effects start becoming quite visible. At around the middle stages of infection, the infected starts to wonder if such a place exists. And try as they might, they will not be able to easily remove the city from their mind without a very strong will or outside help. Most, end up seeking out the city. And the late stages of infection, should one have decided to seek out the city...they would have met with the Denizens of the Deep, and likely the Lady herself. She makes them an offer...she will take away this madness of theirs. This eating desire to know more. This want to discover more about the city. All they must do is pledge themselves to her, and the city, and they will have all the want taken away. Those who resist the call, and for whatever reason do not seek out the Deep...eventually lose what sanity they might have left. They would be your local madman. The village idiot even, perhaps. Since the betrayal, those who delve into the Deep are careful not to delve to far, for without the Lady's soothing voice, there would be no return from madness...of course, there are those who choose to delve anyways, thinking some form of enlightenment would be preferable. Curing this is fairly easy. Simply abstain from looking too far into the Deep, and eventually the madness will pass. Alternatively, one could seek the protection of another Child. Of course, some delve too far to be able to ever return from Sanity. [center][h3]-Effects of the Deep-[/h3][/center] Those who reject the Lady's offer of salvation, are eventually consumed by madness. Their mind rent asunder by whatever eldritch truths they discovered in the Deep. Most all, eventually die. Either from acts of insanity, or by suicide in some notion that killing their mortal vessel will bring them closer to whatever enlightenment they want. Those who allow their curiosity, their want, their need to know what lies within the Deep to be stilled, lead a fairly...interesting existence. They cease being human by the protection of the Lady, and it prevents one from going mad due to these forces. It also robs them of their free will and desires to an extent. People who pledge themselves to the Lady who aren't born with her protection, will find themselves feeling...fulfilled. Content. Their wants, desires, lusts, curiosity all sated. Instead, it is replaced by something else. A desire to help the Lady of the Deep, and all her endeavors. It can be said it is a bit of a misnomer to call them puppets, or mindless drones. She lets her people do as they please, and often most will act no differently from the way they did in life. In fact, most of her people would probably appear to be fairly amicable and friendly...as violence solves nothing and would deteriorate the whole, unless it is in self defense. However, if any are given a direct order from the lady, it is almost impossible to refuse. [/hider] So. I've made a bunch of lore stuff for the Deep and some stuff about the ancient city of Su'Akur. I'ma add it to the Wiki later, but I figured I'd see what all of you guys thought about it. See if any of you have suggestions and stuff. It's not all complete yet, and this was how it was in the past before the Betrayal. It's basically nothing more than a massive flooded ruin by the time the RP starts, completely abandoned more or less. Anyways. That's it for now.