[color=#9900cc] [h3][center]Mara Scelus[/center][/h3][/color]After her newfound friends had reacted however they may, Mara smiled quietly to herself. They’d be quite the odd group — the stranger from Johto, the hyperactive boy, and then the (albeit she disagreed with this) weird girl. Despite living in the same town as Rowan for as long as she could remember, Mara didn’t know him beyond a mere surface level. She’d been too busy trying to think about anything that [i]didn’t[/i] have to do with Dewmeadow. She hated the town, and of course, didn’t understand why [i]anyone[/i] would want to have a laboratory there. As cool as Dogwood was, he must have had a few screws loose. The only possible explanation she could come up with for him being in Dewmeadow would be that hardly anyone left the little personal bubbles, and no one would come to bother him. That, and she was fairly certain the land was cheap — there sure was a lot of it, at least. Mara tried to avoid the glances of everyone in the town as they walked by. She didn’t have anything to say to them—she’d already said all of her goodbyes. And besides, she knew that her parents wouldn’t be out there. They’d understood that they couldn’t stop Mara from going off on her journey. For a moment, she almost felt nostalgic—this could have easily been the last time she’d be in Dewmeadow. A jarring song for little kids broke her from her thoughts, and she swiveled in place to face a pack of squealing little kids. Stiffening up a little bit, Mara hoped desperately that they wouldn’t touch her — those things hardly [i]ever[/i] washed their hands! Who knew what germs they were carrying?! [color=f49ac2]“We should battle! And, uh, if you lose, you have to play tag with us! Deal?”[/color] Mara gulped a bit, though it wasn’t that she was frightened. She just didn’t like kids. A bead of sweat rolled down her face, and she exchanged a glance with Kira, hoping that her pokemon would suddenly dash off in the opposite direction, requiring her to chase after it and avoid contact with the kids. Instead, the espurr merely smiled malevolently back at her. [i]Useless![/i] Mara thought desperately. [i]There’s NO WAY I want to play with these kids… I’d have to disinfect EVERYTHING![/i] [color=#9900cc]”If you guys would like to, I’ll fight,” [/color] Mara said softly, glancing over at Rowan and Yasha. At least it’d give her and Kira some experience… right? [hr][i]Location: Dewmeadow, near Route A Current Team: [list] [*][indent]Kira the Espurr [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Kira%20the%20Espurr_zpsweugvdi2.gif[/img] Status: N/A Level: 5[/indent][/list]Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)[/i]