[@Liliya] [i]Donny straightened up, keeping his left side to the door. As he did so he let loose a loud, guffawing laugh and began losing it as would a man who had just witnessed the ultimate joke. Was he mad? It was freakadelic, baby. The tarp hadn't yet been entirely knotted, and as he rose it opened back up, spilling bits and pieces. Donny moaned like a lusty woman and bent after it.[/i] [color=9e0b0f][b]*BLAMMM*[/b][/color] [i]Donny's right hand, when he had rose, would have slipped subtly into his overcoat pocket. Through the hole in the pocket he'd have reached his revolver. As he bent after the fallen tarp as a ruse, the weapon would have been smoothly drawn and fired from the hip, out of sight from his hidden flank. Not towards any visible enemy, for no enemy was visible, but at the electric lantern. The room would go black and Donny would no longer be where he had been. Such was report of the Magnum that the rumpling sound of Donny's feet on the tarp wouldn't be heard for a few ringing seconds. He didn't know he was being hunted for a fact, but playing it safe and following the old gut was never a bad idea. Perhaps those three chumps had brought backup? A little hide and seek would reveal the answer. [/i]