[hider=Viridiana Ralei] [hider=Picture] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/07/9e/c9079e7603bfad205a5770278ca39d89.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=FA8072]Name:[/color] Viridiana Ralei [color=FA8072]Age:[/color] Thirty-Eight Summers [color=FA8072]Titles:[/color] [i] Duchess of Andalia, Lady[/i] Viridiana [i]of Caerleon.[/i] [color=FA8072]Origin:[/color] Viridiana come from the House of Skyr, one of the second tier houses that always seemed to be in flux when it came to position in the games of houses. Her marriage into the Ralei family has help to secure it a more promenade place in the games. [color=FA8072]Allegiance:[/color] House Ralei, and House Skyr [color=FA8072]Family:[/color][hider=Family] [i]Cygnas Skyr[/i]- Father [i]Ellinora Skyr[/i]-Mother Edgar Skyr- Brother and Lord of Skyr Euric Ralei -- Husband Jaelyn Ralei- Eldest child and Daughter Arthur Ralei -- Eldest Son Cassiopeia Ralei -- Youngest Daughter Viktor Summers – Step Son [/hider] [color=fa8072]Appearance:[/color] The portrait you see is an old one, painted the day after she married Euric at age 19. Not much has changed as the years passed by. Her skin has become more lined and her hair has added a few strands of grey. [color=FA8072]Personality:[/color] Viridiana was never given much opportunity to ...develop a personality as a child. As her suitors changed, her parents would train her to be what her husband found most attractive. Full of "He likes funny girls, be funny," or "He likes silent girls, be still and seen, but not heard." Later in her life she found that, on more than one occasion, the necklines on her dresses suddenly started plunging with one suitor and choking her when she met the next one. After getting married, however, she found that she could be...whomever she wanted for the first time. She tried on many different roles with her husband, but found the one that suited them both best, was confident, mother to their children and political partner. [color=FA8072]Background:[/color] Viridiana had been engaged more times then she cared to count starting from the day she was born and ending when she finally took Euric’s cloak. It was exciting, the first few times, everyone getting excited, sending for a wedding dress to be made. Occasionally the dress would be created before the wedding was called off, for one reason or another. It was because of that, that she was virtually indifferent to her marriage to Euric, hardly bothering to meet the man, simply assuming it ‘wouldn’t’ work out. It took till after her wedding night to finally hit her, she was…married. After being let down so many times, she'd never given much thought to what happened [i]after[/i] the wedding. That was perhaps for the best, as she was never let down by what she found. Her husband was...dutiful, of which she was skeptical of even if she only listened to half the rumors that were said. It was also clear that he saw her a duty, if nothing else, so she aimed to make herself a duty that he would mind so much. It was clear, on more than on occasion as they bedded, that it was always another who held his mind. Things got happier, once her children were born. Each more wonderful than the next and the light in her world. And each fiercely protected from false betrothals. Perhaps the only true negative was Viktor Summers. The bastard child that Euric constantly protected. Viridiana never saw him as a threat to her children, they were the true-born heirs and nothing could be changed about that. But she saw him as threat to her husband. The boy so clearly was able to play his father like a fiddle, yet Euric could not be convinced to see his eldest son in that light. Had Viridiana had it her way, they would have payed the boy, and his mother, a handsome sum to simply go away. Yet that didn't happen. And the shadow remaind. [/hider] [hider=Isla Lear] [img] http://orig05.deviantart.net/d574/f/2013/129/3/7/kale_by_aegileif-d64obpu.jpg[/img] [color=5F9EA0]Name:[/color] Isla Lear [color=5F9EA0]Age:[/color] Nineteen Summers (TBD, Waiting on her brother) [color=5F9EA0]Titles:[/color] [i]Princess Isla of House Lear. [/i] [color=5F9EA0]Origin:[/color] Penkarth Castle [color=5F9EA0]Allegiance:[/color] House Lear and The North [color=5F9EA0]Family:[/color] [hider=family] Ulfar Lear- Father Emmaline Lear - Mother Sigurd Lear- younger brother Joane Lear- Little sister [/hider] [color=5F9EA0]Appearance:[/color] Isla has the typical color of the house Lear. Dark hair, grey/blue eyes and pale skin. [color=5F9EA0]Personality:[/color] Isla has all been a very cheerful, playful and mellow soul. When she was a baby, she hardly ever cried and was quick to smile. This carried on through to her adulthood. Hard to ruffle, quick to smile. However, she is also hard to convince and, some might say, lacks the ambition to play social games. She does what she is told, but is far to content in her life to ever take the initiative that many of the lower houses’ daughters might. [color=5F9EA0]Background:[/color] Isla was the first born child of Lord and Lady Lear. Although not the son they craved, she was a joy in her own right. A clever and pleasant child ,she hardly ever caused mischief out of lack of ambition to try and get herself out of trouble. Happy to always follow the rules. A little after her first birthday, she lost the title of 'heir' to her younger brother. As the story says, when she was told she was no longer going to rule the North, she laughed and then squished a bug. Isla gets on well with both of her parents, always willing to hunt with her father or take tea with her mother. However, she is her father’s child in heart as soul. Always willing to listen to and sympathise with all of his plights. A step closer to friends then father and daughter. Her relationship with her mother as always been more formal, yet still loving. Throughout her childhood, she doted on her younger siblings, occasionally calling them 'our children' when talking to her parents. Although, she wasn't spared the typically sibling mischief. To this day, she still jokingly refers to Siguard as her ‘less good looking replacement’ and Joane as her 'little copy cat'. Isla spend many sleepless nights staying as close to Siguard as her parents and nurses would allow. After, while he was still weak, she'd still try to take him outside or to various other place, willing or otherwise. Isla was also very fond of here sister and liked to think that she was the first one to know about her secret sword practice, but she could be sure. Although Isla in nearing the age of marriage, she doesn’t have her heart set on one particular lord or even a particular house. Knowing that, thanks to her rank, she could generally have her choice of houses. She also trusted her father to select someone who would bring her contentment and that her Lord father would respect any…misgivings she’d have about an individual to save herself from marry someone she found distasteful. [/hider]