[i]Name: Kyla Byrne[/i] [i]Location: Somewhere close to Cell's game[/i] Laying in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, uncomfortably sprawled out on the grass. A young girl groaned and stirred as her eyes gently fluttered open, gazing at the blue sky as she got her bearings. Kyla couldn't remember how she managed to get on the ground, she didn't have her inflatable pillow under her head, so she certainly didn't decide to lay down and sleep. [color=Magenta]Color by name"No I was delivering the mail, I was on my weekly run"[/color] She frowned as she lifted her hand, in her grasp was the last letter of the day she had to deliver. She remembered that she was riding her overboard pretty fast, did she happen to crash? send herself flying and knock herself out, it has happened before. Kyla slowly pushed herself up, her hat falling off her head in the processes. She stopped to pick it up, realizing them that she wasn't wearing a helmet, and a quick check over her knees and hands indicated that she was not injured, though she was stiff from laying on hard ground. Finally she noticed her surroundings, now that her head was clear. It wasn't anywhere she remembered, she was in a green suburb with lots of houses, and only a few feet away from the last letter box of the day, now she was in the middle of nowhere, nothing but grass and cliffs and a couple of trees here and there, not a house in sight. [color=Magenta]"This is beyond weird"[/color] She stuffed her hat back on her head [color=Magenta]"If I did crash I must have flown pretty far, either that or I'm still out cold and dreaming, hopefully not in a coma"[/color] Kyla noticed that her guitar case and everything attached to it was laying not all to far from her, it must have fallen from her shoulders when whatever happened, happened. Her hoverboard by her feet, and thankfully still in one piece. Pushing herself to her feet, she gathered her guitar first, unstrapping her helmet and strapping it onto her head, she also stuffed the letter she was holding into a pocket on the case, she would deliver that letter no matter what. She then gathered her guitar and walked back to her board, watching it activate as she stepped onto it. Despite having no idea where she was or how she got there, she decided that it would be a good time to explore, find someone or a town, hopefully find her city again so she could deliver the last letter, then go home and forget about this weird incident. Shifting her body weight forward, the hoverboard started to move, moving slowly at first as she was in an unfamiliar location, and so she could keep her eyes out for someone who might be out here with her.