[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/47/8a/32/478a3292f77f2001fc8ef5690f09a982.jpg[/img][/center] The storm raged around the Fyrd fleet. Five war ships, massive and built like quick strike mobile fortresses. Hardy Thangor sailors hauled sails and tied ropes, running to and fro as the ships tilted from side to side violently. Logan Bryne stood tall, hands on the wheel, keeping the ship steady with cable like arms. His beard and hair were soaked with sea water, his storm blue eyes matching the mealstrom around them. Their destination? North. And the waters have been increasingly violent the further they traveled. That was fortunate, for it meant they were supposedly on track. His ship was flanked by 4 more, all armed and clad for war both on and off the seas. The hardiest sailors of Clan's Bryne and Brimhald, as well as various other land clans who've given men as tribue for such an honorable venture. To find Nalthaggrasil and the ancient homeland of the Thangors. The ships creaking and groaning were common sounds in calm waters, much less the huge waves that raged across the seas now. Lightning flashed, striking the surface of the ocean not 4 miles off and igniting the waters. The men who's eyes were upon the sea at that moment caught the glimpse of a sinewy body larger than any ship writhe from the strike. Suddenly, Logan's ship shuttered and groaned louder than ever before, and a huge monstrous serpent head rose out of the depths, great maw opening up in a hiss that could defean hearing. "This leviathan is larger than any I have ever seen... maybe we are near Nal'thaggrasil" one Thangor marveled. "Perhaps it is true." said another. "These are the last years of this world." Logan Bryne's eyes narrowed, taking back his reserve at the sudden sight of the looming beast. "Perhaps...perhaps not." he spoke aloud, undaunted by the creature. Logan had always been pragmatic and to the point, as opposed to his superstitious kin. He drew his sword, the blade making an audible [i]shing[/i]. "First things first!" he cried. "HONOR AND GLORY TO THE MAN WHO KILLS THIS THING!" His first mate raised his arm high. "AND ALL WHO DIE TRYING!" "[b]AHROO![/b]" the Thangors roared in unison.