[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Redorchard[/color][/h2][/center] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Lasrever] [color=00a99d]“Alright, Nidoran♂! Finish Deerling off! Use Peck!”[/color] The Nidoran♂ reared back its neck to oblige, but as it went to strike the final blow it found its support had vanished. Deerling backed off, leaving Nidoran♂ to put forward its momentum into space that did not exist. The Pokémon sent small stones flying as its clawed feet collided with the dirt path. It took a few steps forward to remain standing. Regaining its balance, the Nidoran♂ swiveled its neck wildly, brow furrowing. It seemed to be searching for Waffles, but couldn’t locate him. The eye of Camper Danny had spent many nights in dark wilderness, despite his age. He could just make out the outline of a deer Pokémon, making its way around his Nidoran♂. [color=00a99d]“Nidoran♂! He’s to your left! Swing left!”[/color] The Nidoran♂ attempted to follow orders as best it could, but its horn only found empty space. Danny had not been specific enough with his command. Waffles could feel the air behind the strike as it maneuvered around the purple Pokémon, making its way behind him as Abigail had asked. Nidoran♂ continued to sway its horn to and fro in that general direction, but to no success. [color=00a99d]“Behind you now! Look out!”[/color] Nidoran♂ turned its head, but too slowly for the deft Deerling. A lowered shoulder connected with the rear leg of Nidoran♂, sending it spinning and onto its side. A large bruise appeared at the site of impact. Struggling to rise, Nidoran♂ arched its neck upward to meet the red, glowing eyes of Sneasel. Taken aback, it only had just enough time to shake to its wayward feet as Quill descended upon him. A faintly blue, shining horn met the shoulder of Quill. The claws of Quill met the head of Nidoran♂. One was to stand. [color=00a99d]“Nidoran♂ no!”[/color] Camper Danny said. Nidoran♂ laid upon its back, limbs flayed out in a snow angel pattern. Its eyes followed a cartoonish sort of spiral pattern, obviously unconscious and unseeing. [color=00a99d]“Return!”[/color] Camper Danny grit his teeth, holding the Poké Ball against his forehead. After some deep exhales, he smiled. The wind died down, as did his orange scarf and teal tunic. [color=00a99d]“You did good, Nidoran♂. You really did.”[/color] [center][color=6ecff6]~ NIDORAN♂ IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! ~[/color][/center] -- [center][color=6ecff6]~QUILL GREW TO LV. 7!~ ~YOU EARNED 200 P!~[/color][/center] -- [center][color=6ecff6]~WAFFLES GREW TO LV. 7!~ ~WAFFLES LEARNED SAND ATTACK!~ ~YOU EARNED 200 P!~[/color][/center] [@tex] Nidoran♀ slowly pushed Kaz into the hard earth below, clawed hands forcing down upon his shoulders and shins. Its eyes locked equally with the Meowth’s, not giving in to the tactic her trainer commanded. She was to stall the battle out, to hold Kaz until it was too late for him to fight back. Letting the poison take its course. Just as Nidoran♀ felt more strength being choked from the Meowth, she felt daggers dragging across her stomach as Kaz’s claws dug deep beneath her hide. The Nidoran♀ winced, snarling and fueling angry eyes to keep her composure. Her limbs began to shake. [color=00a99d]“D-don’t let up Nidoran♀!”[/color] Camper Annie cried Kaz’s claws continued to drag against the admitted weak spot of Nidoran♀, a trail of three parallel cuts forming on her skin. She winced. Her shoulder lowered but it was caught. Her eyes blinked in rapid succession, but failed to close. Finally, a heavy step backward collided with the dirt. And another just after. Nidoran♀ stepped off of Kaz, hunching low to the ground. Her body expanded and contracted, shoulders rounding, breathing now heavy. She seemed to be recovering, as best she could. Camper Annie raised a finger to her mouth, holding it between her teeth. She looked to Danny first, then to Joey. Her large pupils saw the defeat in their postures. Her eyes switched to the Pokémon that towered and remained standing. They hadn’t beaten a single one. Finally, her glance rested on the Pokémon of her own. Nidoran♀ was heavily injured, likely a scratch away from fainting. [color=00a99d]“Nidoran♀, return…”[/color] Camer Annie said. She bowed her head and held straight her Poké Ball. A red beam shot from its center, making contact with the Nidoran♀ struggling to stand. The last expression you saw on her face was a lingering glare toward Kaz. [center][color=6ecff6]~ NIDORAN♀ IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! ~ ~ KAZ GREW TO LEVEL 7! ~ ~KAZ LEARNED BITE!~ ~YOU EARNED 300 P!~[/color][/center] -- [@Lasrever][@tex][@Rune_Alchemist] [center][color=6ecff6]~ TESH YAMA, ABIGAIL LOWE, AND LYNN HAYWOOD ARE VICTORIOUS! ~[/color][/center] [color=fff200]“Next time won’t be so easy! I’ll land lots of hits on your stupid Pokémon! And faint her too!“ [/color]Youngster Joey said. The sun glinted against the white of his eyes. His forearm was flexed and in front of him, closed fist at the end. Joey’s face was strained, as if he were trying to solve an impossible math problem. [color=fff200]“Rattata’s the only Pokémon I need to beat you!”[/color] Camper Annie had been staring at her Poké Ball during this speech and your camaraderie. Danny walked over to her, and attempted to place a hand on her shoulder. Before he could, though, she ran towards Ficus’ Lab, shoving past an eager trainer-to-be at the sliding glass door. [color=00a99d]“Annie! Wait!”[/color] Camper Danny rushed after her, reaching the trainer who had been knocked over. He apologized profusely, helping him to stand before he continued on into the lab.