[center][h3]Nies Hellum[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eOvhEtX.png[/img] Interacting with: no one in particular [/center] Nies couldn't trying say she knew what was going on. The whole thing seemed to be complete chaos, and she merely struggled to keep out of the way, although that wasn't really possible. What she was hoping for most was to not be a distraction, and for the first time she cursed the choice of healer-it just seemed so useless right then, when her friends didn't even need healing. As Nix asked if she knew how to use the gun, she could tell he wanted a yes answer, and merely nodded, wondering how hard t could be. She had learned the cars pretty quick. She hoped she wouldn't have to use the gun, as she took it. All she had to do was pretend confidence. She could do that. And then just as suddenly as everything began, it seemed to end. And then she was alone. She stood there a moment, trying to comprehend everything, but decided it wasn't possible right then. She thought about what awaited her in the real world, and found that...she didn't have the strength to log out. She was such a [i]fool[/i]. While Eris might need her, even if she would never admit it, in the real world, it was clear that Eclipse princess didn't. And how could she continue, when part of Eris didn't need her? Perhaps that was the point, to take happiness where you could get it. She smiled softly, and looked out over the landscape. She had her goal. Goals. She found a safe place to log out, settling herself before doing so. [centre][h3][color=f6989d]Cassandra[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RPO6P8A.png[/img] [@KoL][@ReaptheMusic][@McFazzer][@Mega Birb] [/centre] Waking slowly, Cassandra let herself adjust after the torment of sensations from the game, it seemed abnormal to merely feel the chair beneath her, and heard the silence, except for the people around her. As Aaron spoke, Cassandra realized the girl was awake. Did that mean she was free, or was this just some trick? She opened her eyes, looking about at the clang of metal, but decided not to comment right then.