Rein your attitude in a little there, Dark. Delta's comment was helpful and didn't deserve such a harsh response. EDIT: Oh, okay. Thank you for editing. XD Edited it: I typed reign instead of rein ;-; The idea of location tags has merit. I do like it. But that said, you can also try to read through posts. A quick skim doesn't take a huge time commitment. This is a setting in which there are going to be multiple storylines happening simultaneously. Some will eventually connect and tie together, some may stay separate. As long as everyone is having fun and remains interested, we cool IMO. Throwing in a prerequisite of background histories with other charscters at this point would not be beneficial. Everyone has an established character, with a written backstory. I know that I, personally, really dont like having to tweak a character once I've already started posting. [@Delta44], I'm still down to start some character interaction with ya. Work and home kind of slammed me over the start of this week. Things are relaxing again now, and I've got my laptop with me at work. I've got a bonfire with coworkers tonight, but after that, expect a bio for my next character and the start of a post. Sorry to hold it up. I'm also still working on a collab with Raid.