[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fWyAGfR.png [/img][/center] The Tengu Mask was way to fast for her. He swiped at her with his blade and it was all she could do to dodge and weave and duck and jump out of the way. She tucked her shoulder in a roll across pair of smaller crates and fell to a knee while bringing her Heckler up to shoot a burst at the direction he was coming from but he wasn't there by the time she squeezed the trigger. She barely got the gun up in time to block the blade swung at her. "You're no triad."[/b] The man said as he pressed the blade into the gun harder. Was it just her imagination, or was it slowly sinking deeper into the goddamn metal? She decided she was gonna have to take him out quick. [color=#6660CC]"No shit, fucko'"[/color] She suddenly dropped the gun and side stepped. He didn't loose his footing as she had hoped but he did pitch forward briefly at the sudden lack of resistance. He did not see the Teep Kick to the ribs before the ball of her foot connected solidly with him. He recoiled from the shock of getting hit by her and looked at her with renewed respect. "A martial artist.." He grinned as he sheathed his sword. She only then realized the man vore a jade eye patch. "Very well. What is that you use? Muy Thai?" He took a wide stance, reminding her a lot of a karateka she had sparred with back in Burma. The man had been half-japanese, half-vietnamese and ran a little dojo. Often beset by Burmese nationalist for his heritage, he had become very proficient in defending himself. He remembered him chastisting her for looking down on karate. And the way he had managed to sneak in kicks at the strangest of times. [color=#6660CC]"Something like that, yeah."[/color] She breathed in, lowered her head as her arms lifted in a traditional thai guard. And then she sprang forth with a kick. He blocked blocked with his right arm and shoulder and aimed a punch to her face with her left. She tossed her head back and weaved under it, throwing a mean counter-cross. But just as it seemed like it was about to connect he moved his head out of the hands trajectory and gripped her arm. She felt a jolt of pain as he smashed his elbow against her shoulder joint then kicked her stumbling form right in the face. The world exploded into a stars of pain and her vision grew foggy as she stumbled back. "...Disappointing." He said as he took the same stance again. He seemed to take the fight most seriously. She on the the other hand had so much experience fighting desperate 1 on 3 styled fights as of late she didn't know where to begin in a one on one fight with a evident master of his art. [color=#6660CC]"That... wasn't Karate.."[/color] She got out as she spat part of her left canine out. [color=#6660CC]"You are gonna have to pay for my dental"[/color] "Taijutsu. And at this rate, you will not need a dentist. You'll need a mortician." He moved again, slamming forward with his fingers in a point. He went straight for her eyes and she just barely ducked underneath, moving forward suddenly to jam her elbow into his sternum. He let out a 'oof' as he danced to the side and chanced a quick sweep of her legs that she rolled over. The two stood still, back into their original stances. But Kaya was breathing much, much harder. The smashed nose made it hard to breathe. She was loosing. But she still had the flame. [color=#6660CC]"...Wait... You are a fucking ninja!??"[/color] She burst out when it suddenly hit her, he used Taijitsu. The question seem to have cought the man off guard. "No? I a-" He began but Kaya interrupted. [color=#6660CC]"Bull-fucking-shit. You wield a katana, wear a tengu mask and do Taijitsu. You are a fucking ninja."[/color] She got a shit eating grin of her face as she took a stance. Her head cleared again as he fixed her with his gaze. [color=#6660CC]"Well. I never killed a ninja before"[/color] The smile of her face was a ugly thing, full of hate and anger. "Let's get this over with." The man sighed. And she flew at him like a bat out of hell. Her punched had more force to them this time, raw adrenaline driven power that made her strikes sloppy and she payed for it. A punch to the ribs cracked something. She snarled as something familiar built inside her, A white fire. She spun and feigned a punch only to catch him with a kick to the side of his knee. But it didn't faze him noticeably. He danced with her, moving smoothly and rolled with every punch and met every kick. She was outclassed so badly something inside her was about to break from the sheer humiliation. Then she noticed it. He was smiling at her. It was to much. Anger and Humiliation raged trough her system. She screamed as white fire erupted from her eyes and the power of the sacred flame bolstered her speed and strength. She punched, putting all she had into it. He had a shocked look on his face as her punch sailed towards the mans face. And then the world stood still and she noticed something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Her body had seized up. She gasped for words. Nothing came. Instead she felt a terrible pain in her abdomen. She looked down. A sword was sunken halfway into her lower stomach. Had he snatched blade up? No, his arms was up in a guard. IT was as if they both frozen in time. The sword wasn't his. This was somebodies else, a black blade that led to a Emerald colored, turtle shell shaped hand guard. His blades had not been so ornate or fancy looking. "Eiko!" The man shouted. "Why did you interfere?!" The man sounded upset. Very upset. The dissaproval was clear in his voice. Like that of a father scolding his child. Kaya thought of her own father. The way he had scolded her when she had sneaked out of church to run with the gangster boys. Maybe she'd get to see father again. Maybe mother was waiting for her. A pale hand wrapped around a black, leather covered hilt. Kayas eyes followed the arms lenght upwards. Her eyes found the face of a woman around 30 years of agae, wearing a modernized version of a samurais Kimono. Clearly cut to display her femininity in a classy and subdued manner while still practical. Her eyes were black pools of cold, unflinching killer instinct. Kaya never seen something so scary framed in something so fragile looking as her face. It was like a shark wearing a womans skin. It unnerved her to no end. For a moment, that stare made her forget about the blade in her gut. Only for said blade to be yanked free and the pain to come rushing out into her very fingertips. Kaya screamed and fell to the ground. a pool of blood forming under. "You were toying with her Father, but you did not see her magic in time. I merely stepped in when the fight was no longer one of pure martial skill." The cold, feminine voice echoed in her head as her world was turning black "Ah. I ask you to trust your old man next time Eiko. She was hardly a Jade Spider Officer..." "She isn't a Triad?" The woman named Eiko asked in mild confusion. "No. Just a fool." The man answered. Their voices were feint now, subdued. Her vision was almost gone. She was scared. So scared and alone. She wished she was back in Burma with the boys. No, further back. She wished she was at church, watching her Father preach. A tear ran down her face. "Oh." Was all the woman said as the two left the poor woman in a puddle of her own blood. "Mother...Father..." Kaylas voice croaked out in the silence. "I don't want to die.." -------------