With a slightly shaky hand Richard wiped the blood, sweat, and dirt from his face. He couldn't erase what had happened, no matter how much he wanted to. The guilt of how he had treated Casper, of how petty he had been, weighed heavy on his heart. [i]He should be the one alive. He's Marcus's friend, squad mate, practically like a brother. And Tess... He's the one that should be here with her, he's who she would want alive. [/i] His thoughts were muddy, guilt, regret, uncertainty, and fear had all taken root. He was determined though to keep the civilians alive and get them to safety. And, as much as he could, keep his friends safe. Rin couldfeel Tess unraveling, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. "Go to the stream, take a breath, run some cool water over your face. It will help. I can't have you passing out on me." Rin said in a calm steady voice. She flashed her friend a reassuring smile, knowing that it wouldn't make the hurt go away but would hopefully keep her going awhile longer. A moment later she saw Marcus coming up at the rear of the group. Seeing him again made her feel like it was possible to survive this, him being there gave her hope. Slowly she walked to him. "How are you holding up?" she asked. It was obvious Casper's death had left Marcus and Tess destroyed emotionally and Richard seemed preoccupied and unsure. Knowing all of this made Rin put away her emotions as much as she could. She needed to be there for them, she needed to be strong.