[color=ed1c24][center][h3]~Havoc Matsuda~[/h3][/center][/color] Havoc glanced left when one of the other two youngsters - the male specifically - invited him to join them. The other boy seemed very enthused about the whole process and apparently had some familiarity with how this was all supposed to work. Havoc couldn't even begin to imagine how on earth he would be able to catch pokemon while on the deck of a ferry. He he shrugged passively and silently, indicating an "eh, sure" response even if mute. Before he could introduce himself or even signal a hello to the girl the trio was set upon by a man propositioning stickers. The other boy took one first, but seemed about as hesitant and suspicious of the man as Havoc was feeling. THe man hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, Havoc didn't get a signal the man was dangerous. He genuinely just thought the sticker looked tacky and corny but he felt guilty about passing it up because it was for a good cause. Havoc reluctantly opened up a hand to receive a sticker and reached around his waist for his pokeball. He looked at the sticker one last time pensively before he pasted the sticker onto the pokeball. His lips maligned into a brood at the sight of the sticker now on the ball. He put the ball away. The other boy spoke about wanting to catch pokemon. Havoc didn't really care too much about it but it would be good to see how something like that even works. [color=ed1c24]"I'll go with you."[/color] replied with a nonplussed nod. Besides, it presented a good opportunity to walk away from the creepy old man and the lab assistant. [hr] Location: S.S.Expedition Current Team: [img]http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/houndour.gif[/img] Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5 Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)