[center][color=00a651][h3][b]Elarinya[/b][/h3][/color] [b]Location: [u]Orange Star City[/u] [On map would be Satan City but this is before the name change][/b][/center] [hr] After a bit of time passed, Elarinya had finally arrived at the location. It was beyond anything she could have imagined. Her head was constantly turning in different directions as yet another strange and wonderous thing caught her eye. There were various people everywhere, humans and beast men crowded the streets doing whatever it was they were doing in such a hurry. Cars, shops, clothes, restaurants, sights, smells, everything assaulted her senses making her wings flutter slightly. At first she cautiously approached but very quickly she realized, aside from the occasional stare at her wings, no one really paid her any mind. She was just one of the crowd now like anyone else, well almost when a little human boy stared at her with the same wide-eyed wonderment she had on her face. "Hey look mom a Fairy! What pretty wings!" Elarinya smiled, it was an honest mistake on the kid's part even though real fairies never grew up to be as big as her butterfly beast man species. Wings were not exactly common among most denizens in the city from what she could see. [color=39b54a]"Well not exactly, I'm actually a-"[/color] but before she could finish his mother cut her off. "Oh I'm sorry about that, how impolite Henry, don't point at people." The mother gave a quick bow and then hurried off with the kid. [color=39b54a]"Oh its no problem...well whatever, so much to see!"[/color] Forgetting about the incident Elarinya found herself in a small bakery shop run by a tiger beast man. Her face was stuck with utter amazement as she saw all the delectable treats with so many different colors it was like being in Candy Land. Then she saw a delectable poppyseed muffin with white frosting on top, swirled up like a frozen yogurt. She had to fight the urge to droll and even then her face looked a bit silly as she asked the Tiger man. [color=39b54a]"Can I have that?"[/color] She asked as she wiped her mouth with one of her forearms. "Certainly, let me just bring one of those muffins right out." He reached into the case and pulled out one of those muffins and placed it on the counter. "That will be 4 Zeni." [color=39b54a]"Zeni?"[/color] Elarinya asked totally confused, completely ignorant of currency she reached for the muffin but her hand was pushed away. "Hey you can't have it if you can't pay!" The tiger growled. Elarinya knit her eyebrows in puzzlement at the foreign conversation. [color=39b54a]"Pay? What do you mean?"[/color] The baker's mouth dropped open as he realized he was talking with the epitome of a country bumpkin who had never been in civilized society before. Elarinya spent the next few minutes being taught about the importance of money which completely shocked her and while fun to learn made her realize almost everything in the city cost this zeni. [color=39b54a] "Forgive me muffin,"[/color] she gazed longingly at the muffin as it was put back where it belonged, [color=39b54a]"I'll have you once I figure out how to get some zeni..."[/color] with a sad sniffle, she left the bakery to explore more of the city.