Sythis smiled widely at the sight of a large building with many people eating in the windows. His nose had led him here and now he was nearly drooling at the sight of so much food. It had been nearly a day and a half since he had eaten. He carefully looked around as he entered the building and a man wearing some kind of fancy outfit looked at him somewhat distastefully. All the people in the building seemed to be well dressed along with the people working there. Sythis shrugged as he approached the man who was dressed all fancy. "Can I eat here?" He asked hopefully. The waiter looked at him and raised an eyebrow with a frown on his face. "You don't seem to meet the dress code, sir." The waiter replied in a somewhat distasteful tone. "And we require reservations. Do you have a reservation?" [i]Dress code? Why do they care what people look like? People get a bit messy when they eat anyway.[/i] He thought to himself. " Is there any way I can eat here without a reservation?" He asked hopefully. "No." "Are you sure? I haven't eaten in a while." "Sir, you need to leave or I will be forced to call the police. And even if you did have a reservation, I doubt you would be able to pay for your meal. Please leave." Sythis sighed and took a last look at the delicious smelling food before turning and leaving the building as a plan began to form in his mind. [i]Alright...need to find some way to get at the food. Maybe the building has another entrance. I don't think they would like it if blasted a whole in the building so I just need to find another entrance.[/i]