[center][b]Character Dialogue Colour: [/b][color=ffcc99]ffcc99[/color] [b]【Full Name - First, Last】[/b] Mary-Jane Doe [b]【Date of Birth】[/b] 1st January 1990 [b]【Gender】[/b] Male / Female / Agender / Queer [b]【Orientation, X-gamy】[/b] Straight/Gay/Bi/Pan/Demi, Mono/Poly/? [b]【Ethnicity, Family Background】[/b] Caucasian, Middle Class More elaboration. Try to leave two line breaks when you feel that the paragraph is growing like ol’ big red Clifford there. [b]【Drive】[/b] Tell me what motivates you as a person. What makes you get up on your feet and go. World peace? World domination? Finding the fountain of youth? How do you see life? Are you a dreamer or a deadpanner? Maybe something in between, like a realist? Are you passionate about something? Culture and customs? Food? Discovering new lizard species? Cosplay? Roleplaying? Breeding more furless animals? [b]【Field Of Interest】[/b] Are you a scientist at heart? Or artist? Maybe you're a Doctor Gray incarnate. MacGyver, even. Or an archaeologist [s]who kicks mummy butts[/s]? Or you just wanna’ be the next Marilyn Monroe or Scarlet J, eh? [b]【Appearance】[/b] [img]something.jpg or something.png[/img][/center] Sample only. Appearance will be rated by players when we are about to begin.