Oliver chuckled as Sanguine teased him about taking a while to join her. She seemed to think that the summoned angel's magical attack would damage him, but being a cleric and a paladin, the warrior was convinced that the sort of radiant damage caused by the angel would do nothing to him. At the same time, he didn't want to risk getting injured on a gamble, so while his partner did her thing, Oliver dropped to one knee, and raised his left arm over his head as if he were holding a shield. Thanks to his magical powers, one appeared, but nothing happened when the pillar of radiant energy struck an instant later. Normally a globe of protective energy would crackle angrily as its presence was revealed by something striking it, but the fact that it didn't seem to do much of anything suggested that it wasn't harmful. He straightened up as his companion started laughing. Before he could do anything else, though, Daniƫlle was rushing to their "rescue". They didn't have any fighting left to do once she got started. Her axe split the angel in half, and proceeded to do very similar things to the fleeing enemies. Hopefully their leaders would think twice about starting such shenanigans again, but if they didn't, then the Paladin was quite sure they would have no problems routing any force that chose to stand against them. "We did it!" Oliver was quite pleased that they had managed to save the day, and the warrior smiled as he turned to head back to the village. He was sure that Bartholmew would be pleased as well. And with the villagers all safe, hopefully these people would support the Guild when they decided to expand...