That last post made me realize I completely left out the very basic issue of food. I added this to the intro and I suggest folks give it a read. It should be entertaining. Basically it's a play on the old myth that eating the food in fairyland will enchant humans and keep them from leaving. The fae basically must consume magical foods in order to survive and fuel their various glamers. Fae who don't get this magic basically starve, an affliction termed 'the wasting.' As far as the game goes, I want to give new folks plenty of time to finish up their characters, but a formal OOC will be up soon. IC will follow sometime this week. For people waltzing in late to the party or those still working on characters, don't worry there's no cut-off date or anything. If you come in late, you come in late. That's fine. What story introduces every major character in the first few pages, after all.