Enasi’s eyes remained hopeful after he asked, but looking a bit closer he could tell Seishu was at least uncomfortable. He mentally frowned for not realizing it sooner. On the outside however, his expression calmed as Seishu told him the truth. Seishu’s pain should have been expected considering all that had happened for the past few days- in fact, since he had been left for dead in the Dream Realm. The guardian’s smile was softer after he returned the kiss and he sat up a little more in order to lean against the back of the bed. The guardian didn’t shy away from Seishu, but he did grow a little more cautious as to how he approached his counterpart. Even all of his tender love and care couldn’t stop the pain Seishu was in, and unfortunately, the poor Nightmare Guardian was in a lot of it. “I am happy to see you as well.” Enasi leaned downward to kiss Seishu’s head, every once in awhile glancing over at Inui as he shifted to find the warmth he had cuddled up next to. “And I’m glad you didn’t hide your pains from me.” He didn’t urge the guardian to talk or move anymore than what he had already done. Instead, he quietly ran fingers through Seishu’s hair and let out a soft sigh. He could get up and hunt down Crios, but the idea of leaving Seishu alone was a little unnerving, making the guardian realize that he had yet to get over the experience himself. Absentmindedly, Enasi rubbed his side, remembering the sharp pains he felt when Seishu was being attacked. He could only imagine that Seishu’s pains were much, much worse. There was no room to dwell on that memory; he wanted to focus on the now. A familiar energy shuffled its way closer and closer, making the guardian smile. “Ah, a diligent little fox he is. It seems he had a similar idea.” Not long after, there was a knock on the door and before Enasi could respond, Crios let himself in. “My apologies if I...interrupted something,” From where Crios stood, Enasi and Seishu laid nude with the blanket as their only cover up. That was easy to tell considering his guardian was sitting up and that same blanket was- Crios decided not to linger on that for too long. He had came into the room on a mission and they looked content so things were okay. More or less. “I figured, Night would need the medicine considering he’s not very prone to staying still for too long.” “I appreciate your hard work, doctor.” The guardian’s smile was contagious enough to make Crios return it and bow slightly. “Of course, sir.” ~~~~~ Rasha and Rue’s sleep prescription did wonders for the two. The bits of negative and positive energy radiating from Rue did confuse the cat in his sleep, but eventually he settled just fine. Both woke up, carefully stretching in a way that didn’t mess up their balance. They were pretty high up in the tree away from people and away from the noise. Rue’s nose wrinkled with a laugh that followed when Rasha’s stretching resulted in his tail tickling his cheek. “Move your butt out of my face, will you?” Rue received a playful mew and a gentle pat on the nose with Rasha’s paw. “Do you think we should-” Rue’s stomach interrupted what he was going to say and in return also answered his question. He realized he had yet to have a decent meal in the past few days thanks to spending every waking hour searching for Seishu. It was definitely high time he had grabbed a bite to eat. Then, then he would go visit the guardians and see how they were. “Sounds to me like you need food in your system.” With another stretch, Rasha added, “So could I.” “I was just thinking about that. We'll make a stop for food.” Rue didn't need to go into much detail after that. They both knew they were both eager to see if the guardians were better than how they left them. ~~~~~ Now, Crios had taken a moment to properly position his patient, taking care to return the blanket over him should he have been cold. That or he was simply keeping Seishu shielded for his own sake. Inui was awoken by all the movement and noise and had crawled to the foot of the bed in order to stay out of Crios’ way while he worked. “This should help.” Crios spoke but his eyes were trained on his work as usual. Once more, like clockwork, Seishu was injected with that all too familiar concoction that was supposed to help him heal. At times, he was concerned it wasn’t working well enough for his patient, but instead of verbalizing those worries, he continued on to check on Inui who had been silent since he woke. The nightmare minion didn’t want to be in the way, but when he was beckoned forward, he quickly complied and moved to sit in front of Crios. “And how are you feeling?” “Much better.” Inui said with a nod. Of course, the doctor still checked him over, but he figured having Seishu closer to him helped a lot with his healing. “Good, good. And Lord Enasi?” Crios’ eyes softened a little. He knew the guardian wasn’t physically injured- besides his previous injury that should have been healed by TB, but what happened there was still a chance Enasi was still mentally fatigued. Crios only wanted to be sure. Enasi watched as his doctor glided between the two nightmares tending to them. Only when he was asked about his well being did his eyes fall to his lap. “I’m alright Crios. Much better at least.” Enasi gave a reassuring smile and left it as is. He wasn’t too happy about his actions, but at this point it was much too late to take it back. So, he wasn’t going to let himself fall into a depressed slump about it. At least he was going to try not to. Hearing the soft ‘Are you sure?’ made Enasi look up at him again. “It wasn’t the most pleasant thing...but it’s not the worse. Trust me, I’ll be fine.” Inui looked at Seishu with a slight confused expression. He hadn't learned about the incident prior to Seishu's retrieval. When Seishu returned, he was too overwhelmed to focus on anything beforehand. Now, he was hoping to be filled in by the Nightmare Guardian- or anyone for that matter.