[hider=Roll Responses] [b]VKAllen[/b] Instead of rallying, one of the prisoners leaps forward, with the idea that if he can catch one of the rebelling prisoners then perhaps the guards would throw him an extra loaf at the end of the day. [i]Grapple, roll a Athletics(Str) or Acrobatics(Dex), whichever is better for you. He gets a [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/242]14[/url] (I forgot to add his modifier in the roll, but it's a -1)[/i] [b]Hekazu[/b] The blast hits the guard square on in the chest, but just dissipates into the metal breastplate, barely even staggering him. [i]So close, and you rolled max damage, even! xD[/i] [/hider] Guard 2 jumps to Tarhun, and tries to wrestle him to the ground. [hider=Rolls] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/244]8[/url] to grapple. [/hider] Guard 3 attacks Ashkar, stabbing out in a lunge. [hider=Rolls] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/243]9[/url] to hit, 5 damage [/hider] The Frail Man runs off towards the door, with Guard 3 and Ashkar, "Follow me, all who want to live!" Although dramatic, he was loud enough to draw the attention of a few of the prisoners, who quickly began shuffling after him. Guard 1 runs up to Tarhun, and holds his sword up. "Surrender!" [hider=Initiative Tracker] Guard 1 - 19 [b]Harbinger[/b] - 17 Erudite - 10 Guard 4 - 9 VKAllen - 8 Hekazu - 6 Guard 2 - 5 Guard 3 - 4 Frail man - 3 [/hider]