Rosaline turned to look towards the kitchen door as her comrades fled, only for her eyes to go wide in slight shock at what she saw. A swarm of what appeared to be spiders clambered out of one room into theirs. They would be upon them shortly, and there was no telling what horrors would follow them. Knowing that they had little time to spare she looked over at Faira and then Walter. “Faira! Follow the others, I shall be right behind you.” She barked, worry evident in her voice. “Walter, help me to my feet.” The man blinked in confusion, looking frozen from the shock of what was occurring. His gaze shifted down to her legs which had yet to fully heal. “You’re legs are…. How do you expect to stand, let alone walk?” he inquired, his voice shaking. “I will be fine, now help a lady to her feet will you?” the woman sighed, reaching an arm towards him. Walter looked over at the oncoming wave of spiders and then to the woman he had just met. He nodded quickly before dashing forward and grabbing her hand. The young man was shocked at the cold feeling that met his skin, but he was just as surprised by how easily he pulled her up. “Don’t dwell on it too much child.” Rosealine chuckled softly. She stumbled slightly on her feet, but her legs held up without cracking further. “Now, be a dear and help me carry the little girl…and hurry, we seem to be quickly running out of time.” Without any other word he picked up the unconscious child. He started to move towards the door, only to look back at Rose. [i]With her legs injured, how was she going to be able to get to the door in time?[/i] Even so, she caught up to him as if she was not injured. “Keep going, both of you!” The woman snapped, looking at Faira and Walter as she ran for the door. Walter reached the room, followed by Rosaline who promptly collapsed onto the carpet when she got there. She would have to fix her legs before she did anything else, after that stunt they would not hold her weight until she did. For now, however, she was more focused on the oncoming creatures and the woman crucified to the wall. Alex wasted no time, after realizing what was happening, to rush Mr.T and herself into the room. She hoped they would be safe there.