Howdy! This looks neat. I'd like to throw in an application. I am terribly sorry for my accidental post in the character tab. [hider=Zachary Gage] [b]Assumed Name:[/b] Zachary Gage [b]Real Name:[/b] Zheldt [b]Age:[/b] Rather young for a demon, at only 104 years old. Appears to be in his mid-twenties in his human form. [b]Type:[/b] Demon. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Human-aligned supernatural. Officer among the scientists’ security personnel. [b]Appearance:[/b] In human-form he is somewhat tall, lithe, and Scandinavian-pale. His hair is gold blonde and kept short. His icy-blue eyes have an unnatural, piercing intensity, and it is often a struggle to maintain eye-contact with him. Although he could be described as handsome, his looks tend to instead instil unease through an “uncanny valley” sort of way. On-duty, his uniform consists of his sharp officer’s overcoat in olive-grey with matching pants, and his shimmering black leather gloves and boots. Off-duty, he tends to dress in quite plain, casual clothing. In demon-form, he is a gangly creature, vaguely vulpine in appearance. He is humanoid, but in a way more reminiscent of some parody of proto-humanity, hunched over and with disproportionately long arms. He is hairless, aside from some thick tufts of hair that are of obsidian black. His taut skin is a charcoal grey-black colouration. Protruding from a mane of black fur is his canine-like head, which bears no eyes – no sockets either, even; just flat skin. His six horns, sitting behind his triangular wolf-like ears, wind into spirals. A thin wire of light, wound into a circle, is suspended above his head; it is almost reminiscent of a halo. Of these two forms, he much more commonly seen in his human one. [b]Personality:[/b] He treats his work with a calm professionalism. He suppresses delight in his work, and ultimately pursues it because it is what must be done. At the same time, he doesn’t shy away from the grislier aspects of his service to humanity, and feels absolutely no remorse for it. I mean, why would he? He is doing the right thing, after all! Outside of work, Zachary is characterized by self-denial. Zachary fears that if he gives in even slightly to his chaotic, demonic nature, this will in turn undermine the rest of his self-control. This simply wouldn’t do; given he is driven to be the most upright demon he can be. This results in Zachary being quiet, polite, and generally well-contained. He is not like some gentlemanly caricature, but he does carry himself with some dignity. He never speaks or acts in anger, never gives in to desire or greed, and generally never lets emotion get the best of him. Zachary eschews excess of all kinds, and is parsimonious in word and gesture. Zachary embodies austerity and precision in all aspects of his life. [b]History:[/b] Although Zachary is a demon, he genuinely believes that he is turning over a new leaf through his decision to serve, rather than torment, mankind. It’s just that being a demon, his skill-set is rather narrow. Being a demon of torture and punishment, there isn’t much in the way of moral, squeaky clean work for him to be doing to help his new mortal friends. However, given he is uniquely suited to this work, he believes he is truly doing humanity a favour through handling this repugnant work for them. Consequently, Zachary works primarily as an interrogator for his human allies, and has proven adept at extracting information about the supernatural escapees and even their resistance movements from captives. When not engaged in this work, he is an investigator and hunter for their cause. Zachary believes that humans are God’s most favoured creation, and thus it is for the best that they are aided in any way he can. It is clear to him that humans are destined to be the masters of the world and all that exists upon it. If they can improve their lot and bring their world even slightly closer to the dream of heaven upon Earth through their research, so be it. Zachary will thus ensure that as many supernaturals remain at their disposal as he can. Beneath this is a yearning for his own repentance, as he dreams for God himself to acknowledge his service to the humans and accept him amongst his angels. [b]Abilities:[/b] - Zachary is supernaturally perceptive. It isn’t quite the ability to read minds, but with sufficient exposure to his victims, he can glean quite a lot from them through intuition alone. He primarily uses this power of his to devise the most optimal ways of torturing the detainees he is entrusted with; given he is able to make quite well-informed guesses of what his victims fear the most, and thus devise tortures built around these fears. - Once the will of a target is sufficiently weakened, he can yank out their minds and souls bring them with him into a small space that is essentially his “realm.” Although he cannot truly hurt, maim, wound, injure, or kill his victims in this world of his, the illusory tortures he subjects them to in this world of his [b]feel[/b] fully real. These mental and spiritual tortures are a great boon to his service; he can put his victims through incredible agony, while they remain physically unscathed! - Zachary can conjure bindings to trap his enemies. Chains, barbed wire, and so forth. [b]Weakness/weaknesses:[/b] Zachary is subject to a lot of the classic weaknesses of demons, in particular that of the “true name”: those who know of and utter his true name, can exercise full control over him. He is thus keeps his true name completely secret, and has yet to entrust any mortal with it. While Zachary isn’t helpless in a fight (far from it), it simply isn’t what he was made for. Consequently, he avoids combat if he can. He isn’t at all ashamed of running if the odds are against him. Given his views on humans, he really doesn’t like to see any get in harm’s way. For instance, in the few incidents where he has tortured humans, mistakenly thinking they were supernaturals, this took a great toll on his mental well-being. He keeps very strict control of himself for a reason. If sufficiently pushed, his suppressed urges would break free, and this could very well undermine everything he has worked towards. This wouldn’t necessarily be his undoing, but it would be, obviously enough, a bad thing. [b]Other:[/b] - Symptomatic of his admiration for humans, he has full-heartedly adopted human concepts, such as time and schedules. He is constantly checking things off of an abundance of lists he keeps in his pockets, and always has an eye to his many watches he keeps upon him. He takes his appointments and duties quite seriously, and sometimes will even fully abandon something if it is creeping into the time intended for some other task of his. - He tends to eat and drink quite plainly. Usually just bottled water and rice. His supervisors are pleased that he lacks the more extravagant tastes of other supernaturals they usually work with. [/hider]