Finally have it finished. Damn net crashed last night so I had to wait until it came back today. [hider=Auctioneer] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Arthur Croning [b]Alias:[/b] The Auctioneer [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=LimeGreen]LimeGreen[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking That Very Thin Line [b]Identity:[/b] Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Charismatic, Seductive, Intelligent, Egotistical, Apathetic. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] When in his normal life, Arthur wears only the finest of suits. Armani, Calvin Klein or his pride and joy, a Ermenegildo Zegna Bespoke. However, when dealing with his clients, he wears a total black ensemble suit with a mask and voice modulator built into the mouth piece [img] [/img] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Arthur was a very successful actuaries in Lost Haven at the time of the Demonic Invasion. During the attack, Arthur was confronted by one of the demonic entities that had come through the portal. Arthur barely survived the attack and never felt quite the same after it. He felt more confident with dealings in his trading and deals, but more distant with people. He was able to tolerate his friends and co-workers and seemed to lose all interest in women, becoming obsessed with his works and even further trading. One night, while trying to socialise with his friends under copious amounts of drink, he and his two friends jokingly talked about swinging with their wives. Arthur offered to pay for the next three rounds of drinks in exchange for a night with their wives. The men jokingly agreed to the deal and went about their drunken night. Later on, once Arthur had returned to his penthouse, a knock upon his door greeted the 2 wives of his friends, who proceeded into his bed with him in a frienzed threesome. After this encounter, Arthur began to question how and why these women showed up and if it was related to the silly deal he and his 2 friends made. He was curious enough to try it again, in more experimental conditions. After a number of days for testing, Arthur figured he had the extent of his new ability zeroed in. He found that he could trade anything for anything, as long as the sellers agreed to it. He tested with identities, memories, illnesses and even powers with some lesser powered beings when he could find them. He slowly put it together that the demon he encountered months before must have “infected” him with something that gave him these new powers. Now, Arthurs decided to try and sell his new abilities to the highest bidder and since then has earned a name for himself as a [b]Hero Type :[/b] Supernatural [b]Power Level:[/b] Cosmic (Estimation due to the relatively untapped experimentation of what exactly he can “trade”.) [b]Powers:[/b] Arthur can trade anything for anything, as long as the sellers agree. Memories, skills, years of life, even powers. Through him, rich billionaires could buy years from homeless destitutes at millions a pop, supervillians can get upgrades/weapons from lesser minions and reluctant heroes who want out of the game can swap power for useful job skills. After he has collected his commission, of course… [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent]Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Trained (Basic Self Defence) [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Large [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Normal Human Weaknesses. Agreement from both parties required for the trade to occur is required (possible coercion could work?) [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Jo Fields/The Ringman: One of Croning’s former co-workers, Jo was a heavy drug user, addict and small-time low-life criminal, to the point it lost him his job. After Arthur discovered his powers, he approached Jo to help him establish a framework for his new venture. In exchange, Arthur traded Jo’s addictions with the life years of a drunken wino. Jo is eternally grateful to Arthur and is almost fanatical in his following of the Auctioneer. He is responsible for representing the Auctioneer, assessing and establishing meetings with clients and organising the laundering of the money made from the “trades”. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img] [/img] Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.): The two men sat at either end of a long, wooden table. The room was well lit and sparse, except for the expansive, oak table, three chairs, one either end and one in the middle, a single suitcase at one end next to the well-dressed gentleman and a single sheet of paper next to the man who’s clothes were tatters, barely strips of cloth hanging from his body. They sat quietly, staring at each other, faces expressionless, not out of indifference but the face they were covered by pale white, featureless masks. That was one of the rules. The only door to the room swung open and a third entered. He was dressed in a total black suit and his face too, was covered but with a black mask. He stepped over to his seat, clasping the back of the chair as he looked at both men. [color=LimeGreen]”You have both been informed of the rules of this transaction?”[/color] His voice was wavy and electronic from the distortion modulator in his mask’s mouthpiece, the echoes in the barren room only adding to the uneasy tension in the scene. Both men nodded silently. Again, another rule. [color=LimeGreen]”Then we may begin. You first”[/color] He gestured to the scruffy man to his right, pointing to the sheet of paper. [color=LimeGreen]”You’ve read the terms and agreements fully and completely understand what you’re selling and agree to freely give it to this person here?”[/color] He gestured without looking to his left, the Suit laying a hand upon the case near him almost protectively. The Scruff nodded eagerly, pushing the paper towards the Auctioneer, staring at the case, lips audibly smacking under the mask while nervously laughing over and over. He sighed softly and looked to the Suit, eyes flashing beneath the black mask. [color=LimeGreen]”You understand what you are trading with this ‘gentleman’ is 10 years of his life to be transferred to you in exchange for 1 million dollars, correct?”[/color] The Auctioneer had repeated these kinds of words dozens of times in these formal proceedings and didn’t really need to. His powers didn’t dictate he had to do this but they added to the flair of the character he had spent months building the reputation of. The Suit nodded and slid the case towards him, his eyes locked on the Auctioneer. He took the case and popped it open, seeing the stacks of 100s lying neatly on the bottom of the case. On top was unmarked crumpled envelope. The Auctioneer took it and stuffed it neatly in the inlay pocket of his jacket, popping the lid closed and slid the case to the Scruff. The nervous laugh had reached pitch as he greedily grasped the case and fumbled with the clasps, popping them again with a thunderous click and gazed down hungrily at his new fortune, cackling madly now. Scruff slammed the case closed and ran to the door throwing it open and dashing out, his laugh echoing throughout the warehouse the Auction House had been parked in. The Auctioneer glanced at the Suit as he pushed the paper towards him and laid a pen atop it. As the scratching of pen on paper reverbed off the walls, Auctioneer found himself doing something he’d never done. He looked at the grey haired Suit and spoke, distorted voice sounding a little less mechanical from genuine curiosity. [color=LimeGreen]”Does it feel worth it?”[/color] The Suits eyes sharpened at him before he silently stood, rolled up his new contract and walked out the open door, closing it behind him, leaving the Auctioneer alone with his thoughts and 10% commission. [color=LimeGreen]”Pleasure doing business with you…” [/color] Only the walls answered back. [/hider]