[i][color=00a651]“Arbok, grab the pokemon and their pokeballs! You damn kids should listen better to your elders!”[/color][/i] Havoc turn back at the ominous threat only to be faced with the expanded hood of a purple snake-like pokemon. Being at the back of the group, Havoc was the first in line to "meet" the arbok. His ninja training kicked in and he dive-rolled to evade the pounce of the Arbok. After safely rolling to the side and resting in a crouch, he waited to see what would happen next. As he watch, his sense of balance perked up. He felt light. Havoc glanced down at his waist to see that his pokeball had gone. What's more the Arbok had a pokeball wrapped in it's tail. Havoc growled under his breath realising he had been duped. Granted, he had just been swindled out at sea in front of a bunch of witnesses under government supervision. A rational thinking mind would have appreciated that this old man would not get away with this for all too long, but Havoc's pride took the offence personally. All Havoc could think about was how [i]he[/i] specifically would get back his pokemon. As he stood to his feet and took his first step towards the Arbok, willing to challenge it unarmed if need be, a voice echoed from across the hall: [i][color=ed1c24]“Use ember on his tail, and stop the trainer.”[/color][/i] Before he knew it, Havoc was sidelined by the arrival of another trainer. His partner was nothing more than a small dog with flames spewing from its fur, but it moved in a way that deftly handled the larger snake pokemon. Havoc was surprised that things such as weight, size and other physical characteristics didn't seem to limit the potential and power of pokemon. His astonishment went up another level when the mystery hero made a jump kick at the assailant. [color=bc8dbf]<...He's pretty good at this,>[/color] thought Havoc to himself, on the subject of heroism. He was flashy at the very least, and managed to get the job done, all while Havoc failed to act and even lost his pokemon in the midst of it all. [i][color=ed1c24]“Are you all okay?”[/color][/i] His call drew Havoc's attention, but Havoc thoughtfully declined to respond right away. Instead, Havoc walked towards the thief, pausing as he reached his pokeball about a foot from his unconscious body. Havoc stooped down and retrieved his pokeball, stroking it with his thumb. He caught an edge of the sticker and peeled it off slowly before flicking it into the air above the thief. He watched it flutter down and he exhaled long and pensively. He turned to walk back to the others. He held up his pokeball and nodded gracefully to the new guy as a means of thanks for his help.