[center][h2][color=007236]Arren Malla[/color][/h2][/center] Arren was just about to go towards the main deck of the ship, when she heard someone shout behind her. [color=00a651][i]“Arbok, grab the pokemon and their pokeballs! You damn kids should listen better to your elders!”[/i][/color] She turned back around, and saw the man throw a pokeball. An Arbok appeared, but she just started edging away from the snake. She never really liked snakes, so she was a little freaked out. She saw one of the boys who was behind her, she couldn't really tell which one she was paying more attention to the Arbok, dive out of the way. Another look and she saw his Pokeball was gone. The Arbok kept coming towards them, when she heard the call of another Pokémon coming from behind the man. The Arbok's tail burst into flames, and so did the man's beard, which turned out to be a fake one. He was running around, and the snake was freaking out. Another man popped up behind them, and grabbed the Arbok's pokeball, and returned it. The man who had attacked was knocked out cold. [color=ed1c24][i]“Are you all okay?”[/i][/color] the stranger asked them. "I'm fine," she replied, curious as to who this stranger was. She saw the Pokémon that had attacked the Arbok. It was a little Cyndaquil, who was now sitting on the man's shoulders. "Thank you for helping us," she said to the stranger.