Sanguine wanted to celebrate right away, but sadly there were still too many onlookers. So she had to put her excitement in the back of her mind for now as she dealt with the aftermath of a successful battle. Or rather, a slaughter. The opposing force really had no chance this time. She hadn't even used half of her spells, keeping all of her strong ones a secret for now. Yet she had only sustained minor burns, which were already rapidly recovering. And Oliver didn't have a scratch on him. If these enemies were a good indication of what they could expect from this world, the ideas she had in the back of her mind for a while now would be within their reach. "We did. And it was actually easier than I expected. To think that leader guy thought a single level 5 angel would be enough to stop anything..." Thinking about future plans would have to wait though, as the royal warrior approached them now. He had wanted to be of assistance, but seeing how the two dealt with such a large enemy force he realized his help wasn't needed. "Lady Sanguine, Ser Oliver. It's hard to believe what I just witnessed. You two seem to be as strong as an orichalcum class adventurer, likely even adamantite. It's strange no one has ever heard of you." Sanguine turned around, a friendly smile quickly forming on her lips. "We've been training in seclusion for almost all our lives. It has only been since very recently that we've started to travel. So it's no surprise, really." The large man smiled, giving a small bow. "Then allow me to recommend you the adventurer's guild. If you two became adventurers, you could earn a fortune and help the kingdom at the same time." At first Sanguine thought to decline. She had other plans after all. But then she realized something. Becoming an adventurer might have advantages. The higher ranked ones seemed to be held in high regard. Kind of like the kingdom's heroes. It would be a good and easy way to become familiar with the land, gain trust among it's people, gain information in general, and to earn this land's currency. All at the same time. So maybe it wouldn't interfere with future plans after all. "We'll certainly think about it, sir Bartholmew. However first we need to deal with the matters at hand." "Ah, the reward I was talking about, right? I'll pay each of you 5 gold pieces for your valiant efforts-" "Actually.." Sanguine interrupted. "While we're grateful for the reward, I was talking about the bodies now littering the village. We've passed some other places nearby. And I know someone who can take care of that quickly and cheaply. If you would allow me of course." The man had to think about the suggestion for a moment. It was unusual for adventurers to do their own cleaning up. But he didn't see a problem with it either, at this time. "Very well, though I have to insist on handing their gear to the kingdom. It will be quite invaluable for our cause." Sanguine gave a slight bow, already glad that she got this far. The equipment was mostly useless to them anyway. "As you wish. I will have everything brought to a storage in the village to be picked up later." The man agreed to that, then turned and headed back to make some more arrangements and to get ready for their troops to leave again. Sanguine sighed, looking around the battlefield and towards the village before her gaze ended on Oliver. "Seems like Bartholmew is a busy guy. He's definitely a good guy though. Maybe a bit too naive." Who was to say that the two of them weren't spies from another kingdom, or several other possibilities, right? Yet he believed them anyway. "So...I'm pretty much done here. I figured I could send a clean-up crew from our guild to get the bodies. The cleric guy can be resurrected for interrogation, and the others will give me a chance to experiment with my undead raising spells. So overall I'd say the day is far more fruitful than I expected so far." Daniƫlle finally returned as well, her axe almost completely red with blood by now. She quickly knelt once she stood before them. "I ask for your forgiveness for acting without orders, mistress. But such lowlifes--" "It's fine, Daniƫlle." Sanguine quickly spoke, motioning for her servant to get up again. "This time, at least. As I had already finished what I wanted to do. However in the future such actions will be met with punishment." Her voice was stern, trying to convey that she was quite serious in her statement. The other vampire stood, then gave a quick bow in agreement. "As you command!" Then she spoke to the both of them. "Your carriage is waiting if you wish to return, my lady, lord." Sanguine then looked to Oliver again, as if to ask if he had any unfinished business in the village, or if he was okay with returning as well.