[quote=@boomlover] Always wanted something dark to play. Also this rp reminds me of darkest dungeon. Which is a good thing mind you. [/quote] I borrowed heavily from that game in the initial concepts of this RP. The first draft almost read like a clone before I reviewed it and realized that I had pretty much shamelessly copied nearly all of the aspects. Some further refinement is still needed but I'm gradually working up to a more original product. I really love the choice and consequence aspect of Darkest Dungeon; one of the primary things that I hope will make this game a bit different for you guys. [@NowIGiveUp] and [@Witch Cat], I am curious to what details you guys would be interested in? The world is still currently in the "alpha" stage, as I brainstorm and jot down notes throughout work when I should be productive. As far as magic goes it is going to be nearly nonexistent as far as character abilities go. Magic once played a more major role in this world, in very very ancient times. Now, it is myth and legend, replaced by scientific reasoning and discovery. Humanity puts their world into a context that their fragile minds can understand and make sense of. However, that is not to say magic does not exist. You may create a scholarly/scientific character that is fascinated by the pseudo-scientific arcane theories. Think of it like the cryptozoologists of today: always seeking answers to things that they hope are there, but never really coming up with hard facts and evidence.