[img]http://i.imgur.com/9uPQ7ys.png[/img] Jane had stopped, as the words of a stranger sounded through the theater. Someone had walked on stage and challenged her believes. At first she did nothing, just stood there and watched. [b][color=fff200]Edge[/color] [/b]would want her to simply turn around and leave without a word. Though no one knew the identity of Jane Doe, she was still a wanted woman and a central part of the organization. Challenging this mysterious man on stage would put her even more in the spotlight, yet Jane did so anyway. She walked up to him, a slow, calculated walk, until there was little more than a foot between them. As she raised her arm, she accidentally stroke the grenade in her small backpack. She worried for a second that it would go off, but it didn’t, so she faced the stranger. He was taller than her and with an impressive physic. Though he was hardly the first to question her, he was somehow different from all who had come before. There was like an aura of experience and knowledge around him, almost as if he was time itself. Yet Jane didn’t even blink when staring back at him. [color=f26522]“Fancy words. Now, I don’t know who or what you are,“ [/color]she said to him and him alone. [color=f26522]“But you might want to remove your eyes from the history books and take a closer look at what is happening in the dark, because I have seen firsthand some sick shit you wouldn’t believe. Every hour is already a battle and every day is a war. You just don't realize it yet."[/color] Now standing up strait Jane looked around and spoke with a louder voice so everyone could hear. [color=f26522]“There won’t be any harmony. Society is never gonna take our hand if we offer it. People fear what they don’t understand, and they hate what they fear. It has always been like that. We only get whatever happiness we conquer from them, and no amount of arrogance will change that.”[/color] Jane made a nod to the stranger and went back to a quiet voice. One final statement: [color=f26522]“By the way, you were wrong about me, stranger. I’m no child. Society made sure of that.”[/color]