[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AbhUvgA.png[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/6deac8b37707b39bd7d4a288ae47b8d5/tumblr_nwsmlt6abi1sxfg0bo7_500.gif[/img] [color=ccccff]Location:[/color] Best exotic hotel: Courtyard → Hotel room [color=ccccff]Interactions:[/color] Murphy, her clothing, a cockroach[/center][hr][hr][center]Boy, this plan is just getting better and better with every second of the afternoon. Now Desh was coming too. And Alcander finally made up his mind. She knew what to do immediately after Murphy’s little crack up at Desh’s reaction to being allowed to tag along with them. But now she had to get changed and get ready for a night out in Jaipur: the place where the hotel is placed. Areum couldn’t wait for the moment of trying everything out. Nodding at Murphy’s plan in agreement. [color=ccccff]“Oh don’t worry about the goat!”[/color] she winked before dashing up to her room to get ready for the night. She had to think of what to wear outfit wise… it was a night out luckily and not a full-frontal formal event where the traveller would wear really fancy out-of-place stuff. That just wasn’t her style at all for this occasion. “Oh, I know!” She exclaimed as she got out one her black dresses that she occasionally wore in Korea. Typical as it was, it covers just her arse and shows her legs but covered the whole of her chest area, making her look taller. … … [h1][color=ccccff]“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH”[/color][/h1] Areum screamed loudly and was quickly followed by [color=ccccff]“EW EW EW EW EW GET AWAY GET AWAAAYYYYYY!!! YOU THING THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO DIE!!”[/color] On the Korean’s wall was a cockroach. Flashing itself off in envy, Areum wouldn’t say she was scared of them but she sure as hell hated them with an absolute passion. [color=ccccff]“Get away, get away!!!”[/color] she shouted as she tried at least blowing on it to make it move. It eventually did. It blew on the wall to the window. Areum quickly opened the door and blew it away once more with her man-made air and closed the window. [color=ccccff]“Oh my god… oh my god… Cockroaches are the worst creatures ever!!!!!!!!”[/color] she scoffed before giving herself five minutes to cool down.[hr][hr][/center]