The guards were gone, there were none to incapacitate, Mal collapsed down, a visible shadow in the form of a person, when it shifted it did so with an unnatural pace, parts of the form shifted in every direction. The shadowy form gets up and stands on the stage. [i]"It seems you all have a guardian... too weak to fight for yourselves I see. I wish to offer you supernatural beings a job, where you will not have to live in such poverty, in such destitution. You will be given a home, food of your desires, in exchange you would work in whatever you are best at... If you decide to fight, you decide to become potions, little trinkets for humanity, and have what's left of you given to me as food.[/i] Mal speaks, the shadowy figure stable as it looks over the majority of people in the theatre. [i]"Soldiers await outside, either for new friends, or old foes. Why must innocent blood be spilt because of something so petty as fighting the next step of humanity? You have limited resources at best, the scientists can offer so much more to it's allies, not it's cuckoos. Every human in here will be escorted to a safe location, away from me, away from them, to a normal life.[/i] The said soldiers wait outside by the vans, weapons drawn, Mal paces up and down the stage, before disappearing into the shadows, crawling along outside to the said soldiers. [i]"Prepare for a storm of people, you used the old equipment well." [/i]Mal compliments. [i]"Well we try our best Mal." The leader of the soldiers replies.[/i]