[color=6ecff6][b]SUZUKI YASHA[/b][/color] Pokedollars: 500 [hider=Bag] Dogwood Pokedex Dogwood Pokeball 1x Potion [/hider] [color=6ecff6]"Well ain't this gonna be a grand ol' time!"[/color] Yasha cheered with his heavy Southern drawl. Thank to whatever gods above that were smiling down on him today. Amidst the whirring cogs and cold metal came a new friendship that would hopefully last for their journey. Oh this was so exciting! Just what kind of things were they going to see? What kind of people were they going to meet? What kind of food will they taste? The possibilities were endless! The residents of the town were finally starting to go about their day. Unlike Mara, who loathed the repetitiveness of the town's life, Yasha found it very pleasant. They were just people that enjoyed what they had and didn't want any more from it. Perhaps for Mara it was isolating, but for Yasha, he knew that this was what people called home. They had families, friends, lives. They had so much despite being in a town as small and provincial as it was. Yasha knew his real home would forever be in the temple, but there was an indescribable yearning for his birthplace. It wasn't a sense of discovering his identity, but to discover and perhaps have closure. Closure for what? That's what he wanted to find out. A strange, wacky song pierced his ears from behind the lab. Turning, he saw that the same kids from the lab were running around with their pokemon, playing some sort of six player tag. The group had soon surrounded the three beginner trainers with the leader of the group, a girl wearing a pink dress with a fluffy Mareep by her side. A battle huh? Well, that was strangely quick. It should be fun! [color=6ecff6]"I'm up for a battle. Y'all munchkins better get ready!"[/color] Yasha said with an excited grin on his face. His Yanma on the other hand, remained as deadpanned as ever. [color=007236]"Yan."[/color] Lulu gave a death stare at the children's pokemon, making it seem even more intimidating than it already was.