[color=f7941d][h2]Abigail Lowe[/h2][/color] Location: Redorchard Abigail jumped up in the air with a cheer when she realised that they'd won, before beginning an enthusiastic victory dance. Enthusiastic being about the only thing that you could say about her dancing abilities without being insulting. She wasn't trying to be a bad winner, but it was her first ever battle and they'd totally beat them! She knew that Waffles was the best Pokémon! She didn't really notice that Joey seemed a bit upset about losing, or that the Campers had left towards the lab. [color=f7941d]"We did it, we did it, we did it did it did it!"[/color] she yelled, before finally settling down a little. [color=f7941d]"Hey, where'd the camper guy go? I was gonna give him chocolate, now it's gonna get all melty..."[/color] Waffles, weakened from the battle, just appeared relieved that it was over, sighing wearily at his trainer's actions and shaking his head. She looked up as the blue-haired girl from before walked over to her. Aww, man, she wasn't gonna smack her again, was she? Abigail was pretty sure she hadn't done anything this time, but she'd thought that before too. She looked up at the taller girl. [color=6ecff6]"You're not half bad, are ya? And here I thought you'd be useless in a battle. The name's Lynn. Got a name Braids, or am I just gonna keep calling ya that?"[/color] Oh, so she was just saying hi! Abigail brightened up immediately upon being spoken to, but got distracted for a second by the nice Sneasel, who she waved back at enthusiastically. She looked back up at Lynn, a proud expression on her face as she pointed a thumb at herself. Waffles winced slightly at Quill's poke, but looked over at the Sneasel, nodding in respect. [color=f7941d]"I'm Abigail! And of course I'm not half bad! I always try my best. If I was gonna be bad, I'd be [i]way[/i] worse than half bad! I'd be like..."[/color] she took a moment, counting on her fingers with intense concentration. [color=f7941d]"One... Two... Um... Three! I'd be three halves bad! That's one hundred percent!"[/color] she said, looking proud of her incredible math skills. [color=f7941d]"I got distracted, didn't I? Sorry! I can tell that we're gonna be great friends though."[/color] she looked over at the other guy. Abigail wondered if he was gonna come and talk too, waving at him with one hand, the other absentmindedly pulling out her third packet of sweets for the day. [color=f7941d]Ooh, caramel flavour![/color] [hr] Pokedollars: 700 [hider=Bag] Potion x1 Ficus Ball x1 Ficus Pokedex x1 Assorted Candy x??? [/hider] [hider=Pokémon] Waffles (Deerling Summer Form) Lv. 7 Type: Normal/[color=007236]Grass[/color] Nature: Serious Ability: Sap Sipper Moves: [list] [*] Tackle [*] Growl [*] Camouflage [*] [color=a36209]Sand Attack [/color] [/list] [/hider]