[color=#FFFACD][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3625497][h3]Rowan Branchers[/h3][/url][/color] _____ [i]Dewmeadow, Dogwood's Lab[/i] Rowan shone up as he heard Mara’s words, confirming that she’d like to travel with them. Rowan stood in place in stunned surprise for a bit, and then bounced in happiness on the spot! [color=#FFFACD]‘Wohooo! We’re a team! We’ll be the best of teams!’[/color] Purrloin actually kind of had a hard time holding on as Rowan started bouncing, but she held on well enough. [color=#FFFACD]‘Yes, Professor!’[/color] He’d state to the Professor’s final words to them, making a salutation to him. Yes. Right now, it truly felt like they could accomplish anything…! _____ [i]Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood's Lab[/i] [color=#FFFACD]‘So, we, totally should buy LOTS more Pokéballs, and we should keep to the routes, we should make sure that our teams get a good type-coverage, OH, and we could think of ways our teams work together, too! Personally, I’ll want to avoid getting the same kind of Pokémon as you two in my main party, and-’[/color] Rowan had started talking about things nonstop as they headed out. He wouldn’t always be like this, but right now, his excitement was overflowing. Purrloin was walking around their feet, brushing herself against anyone who’d let her, giving out small noises made to be adorable. Then there was the kids running around. Rowan laughed a little. He’d, too, probably be joining them had he not had something extremely important to do today. That is, Pokémon journey. It looked like fun. Now that he finally had a Pokémon, Rowan considered himself having graduated from childish actics- [quote][color=f49ac2]“We should battle! And, uh, if you lose, you have to play tag with us! Deal?”[/color][/quote] … … … … … D-did she just suggest a battle? All of Rowan’s body suddenly seemed to grow extremely stiff, his eyes widened and mouth partially open, his movements turning strangely robotic. There was obviously a lot of something being bottled up, and Rowan was shaking as he turned slowly to look at Yasha and Mara for their opinions. He couldn’t act without knowing their thoughts on the matter, or they wouldn’t be a team… [quote][color=#9900cc]”If you guys would like to, I’ll fight,”[/color][/quote][quote][color=6ecff6]"I'm up for a battle. Y'all munchkins better get ready!"[/color][/quote] The power was unleashed. [color=#FFFACD]‘YOU’RE ON!’[/color] Rowan’s extremely excited grin burst out and he faced towards the kids, smashing his right fist into his left palm as his he placed his legs widely with bent legs, leaning forward into archetypical bent-forward battle position. [color=#FFFACD]‘Feel honored! You’ll be the first of many to taste the power of Dogwood’s Trio!’[/color] The eagerness clearly burned for his first battle. Thirst for the excitement. He clearly didn’t actually entirely mean that they should feel honored, it had simply been boasting which he couldn’t hold back. He’d ALWAYS wanted to boost like those trainers on TV like that…! Also, of course they needed a name. The others could berate him and pick a new one after the battle. Right now, he had just needed one, so he made one up mid-sentence. [color=#FFFACD]‘Purrloin!’[/color] He called out. The cat-Pokémon looked up at him with mild interest. Rowan smiled eagerly at her. [color=#FFFACD]‘Will you fight with me?’[/color] He asked. Purrloin rolled her eyes a little, not entirely feeling like suddenly getting into a situation for getting hurt, but alright, sure. This once. [color=#856B90]‘Rrrrloin!’[/color] Purrloin made an aggressive noise as she spun around, facing the potential opponent trainers, and Rowan grinned ever wider, a frown of determination over his grin as he fist-pumped. [color=#FFFACD]‘Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about…!’[/color] The trainer and Pokémon stood ready to fight, for the first time ever. ________ [hider=Pokémon][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/46/509Purrloin.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/rAs23Id.png[/img][/url] [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Purrloin_(Pok%C3%A9mon)][u]Purrloin[/u][/url] [i]Moves:[/i] Scratch, Growl [i]Ability:[/i] Unburden [i]Nature:[/i] Naughty [i]Held Item:[/i] --- [/hider] [i]Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex[/i] [i]Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball[/i] [i]482 P[/i]